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  1. US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

    Whoops, you're right. My apologies
  2. US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

    I know but why would that be a requirement to get in this guild? I understand WSG is important but I don't think getting exalted in WSG really justifies how good you are.
  3. US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

    Master of Warsong Gultch?
  4. 24 LF Guild/Realm to play on!

    I have a 24 WW Monk and Assassin Rogue on Blackrock at the moment. I don't mind leveling a new character on a different realm or playing anything you might need in premades. Add me on BTag if you know a guild or are in a guild I could join for 24 twinking :) Battle Tag: Imaqine#1230
  5. 20 P2P Rogue LF Friends ): (Horde)

    Just made a 20 P2P Twink rogue and looking for people who want to do BGs and what not together :) Real ID: Imaqine#1230 -Nostalgîa
  6. how to outplay protpala

    need moar guids liek this, gj
  7. 10's Screenshot thread!

    No, it didn't, the question was asking how you do BGs if you don't get ques. I could understand wargames but I made a 14 and stopped leveling and I got no ques for BGs.
  8. 10's Screenshot thread!

    You never answered my question
  9. 10's Screenshot thread!

    I don't get this bracket, If you turn off you exp you get no BGs, if you leave it on you level.. Could someone tell me what i'm missing?
  10. Mop Changes, by me, myself, and I

    Feral charge <3
  11. World of Warcraft MoP PTR is now up!!!

    um where is the download to the PTR? Could someone link me the download?
  12. Driudboyz

    Thanks a bunch and your from EU?
  13. Driudboyz

    Yeah I got this cloak right after i unlearned Enchanting for skinning to support the armor enchants so now i have to wait til i get all the armor enchants then i get the 1+ resist -_-. And i prefer my bracers of Black wolf bracers.
  14. Driudboyz

    Hey, This is my first thread here. Heres my toon, been working on him for like a little bit, working on getting BoA Staff and AGM. If you seen me in BGs comment :3. Driudboyz @ Hellscream - Game Guide - World of Warcraft