how to outplay protpala

Couldn't see anything with all those addons.
Tellana isn't French lol, he's German.

OT: I can just agree tellana, how is it outplaying if u just got roots as CC...
Jicz u should calm ur tits, why r u always unfriendly as fuak. I don't get it, is that the way how to get "fame", in your mind? I mean ok most posts r almost funny tho, (sarcasm alert)still using same "words/insults" like 1y before...very uhm resourceful, huh?

if u don't get what I mean, grow up some balls and get over criticizing. How old r u 12?

PS: I don't want to cause any Drama, cuz i know you r the troll of trolls THE FAMOUS 70'S DRUID,jk the only one. It's just the truth, no offense.
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fame? im just a regular player, im not looking for anything. the 70bracket doesn't mean much to me anymore. reason im playing my druid still is cos im like 1.2k hk's off from the real bloodthirsty achievement.
well, I appreciate that u haven't insulted me.

Congraz on bloodthirsty on your druid soon.

Just try to Keep it more friendly, we advertise in German forums with this Forum on our beginning threads to stay up to date. A little more willingness to help gettin 70's back(more activ) might be appropriate.

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