Mop Changes, by me, myself, and I

Hold up here... Just looking at the MoP talent trees on the website, and I found this.

Crusader Strike - 11% of base mana, 4.5 cd, 160% weapon damage, and 25% bonus for being ret.
Mortal Strike - 6 sec cd, 150% weapon damage, and 20% bonus for being arms. (the debuff doesn't mean anything with the OP heals we are presented with)

This may seem minimal, but in the bigger scheme of things, it means a lot. Is this meant for endgame? Let me know with your thoughts.

Edit: Nevermind, finally got into the PTR and found out that arms warrior damage is a bit higher than ret paladins.
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My Notes:

Important: youll want to lock your xp if you come to the PTR. you CAN level. We use the KR server btw.

IMPORTANT: I found out that my Praerie Rings of the Monkey used to be 4/3 3/4 and 3/3 agil/stam. coming to mop they are ALL 3/3. my Zircon Bands of Resistance were nerfed down to 4 of the respected resistance. Did not change to stats. Heard that Eluding ring was nerfed down to like 4 or 6 from 12 dodge.
SO: IVYCLOTH NOT BIS or something like that. As they will probably be 3/3. And all random stats from green enchants are flatlined.
Also the Regeneration enchant seems to have been removed, and converted to "of the Eagle". (only 1 item confirmed)

IMPORTANT: When moving to PTR, your first 5 stable slots will become locked and forever unusable. 5 random pets will be deleted forever. No new pets availible to tame so far. Can't tame the level 11 Basilisks in azshara. All others are 25+.

Can't kill critters anymore. Putting yourself in combat to disengage no more work :(

You can have up to 3 of the same pet and 500 total, but it's 50 "unique" pets. achievements dont copy over

RFC changed. New quests (4), bosses (4), mobs, aoe shit on ground. New BiS mail str boots with hit on them for alliance?

AGM bubble is not a flat 1000. No longer 750-1250. Crocolisk Stew heals 1215. Mageweave Bandage heals 1192. Healing Potion heals 480. Holy Protection Potion absorbs 400 (useless).

Cloak enchant unchanged atm.

You need 3% to expertise cap. Only real option are the Foreman's Gloves for 5 expertise rating, which will give you 2.71% expertise. So the troll racial is probably not worth it just to be .71% over cap.


We lose 15% stam but everyone gets 200 health anyway.


No min range, but you shouldnt let people wail on you anyway.

We lose about 2% crit from the loss of weapons. Naga Heartpiercer has 14 agility on it. BOA weapons have not yet been upgraded. No Raptor Strike or Wing Clip AT ALL. REMOVED.

Posthaste is best Disengage, 6 second 60% sprint that starts when you press it, not as you land AND removes snares and roots. Like that pesky crippling poison you disengage from anyway. The web is 8 seconds unbreakable root, range unconfirmed. 15 second disengage is lame.

Aspect of the Hawk is now a flat 10% ranged attack power. So it will scale properly with all hunters. Not increased with Beast Mastery.

Focused Aim: all specs. reduces pushback when casting steady by 70%.

pet's dive, charge, etc will cost 30 focus. making their basic attack not be avil for the 100% more damage

Promised increased damage to bow's mase damage will only be applied to end game bows.

Cats have lost their special ability (was 17 agility) and was replaced with NOTHING. WAT.

Pet spec is VERY interesting and needs to be used properly. Pet spec can be changed at ANY time out of combat. Mounted aswell. No cast like with dual spec. Specs do as followed;
Ferocity (DPS);
Rabid: pet gains 50% attack power for 20 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.
Heart of the Phoenix: rez pet instantly. 8 minute debuff on player, so you cant use it on different pets.
Dash: dash.
Spiked Collar: increases pet's basic attack, haste, and crit by 10% (passive)

Tenacity (tank);
Last Stand: 30% health for 20 seconds. 6 minute CD. Will increase mend pet, etc.
Charge: charge.
Thunderstomp: "16" about 22 aoe damage. moderate threat.
Blood of the Rhino: 40% healing, 20% armor, reduces chance to be crit by 6% (passive)
Great Stamina: increases health by 12% (passive)

Cunning (DPS);
Roar of Sacrafice: makes the target immune to crits for 12 seconds. 20% of the targets damage taken is also taken by the pet. 1 min CD.
Bullheaded: a pet trinket. also reduces damage taken by 20%. lasts 12 seconds.
Dash: dash.
Cornered: when under 35% health your pet does 50% more damage and has 60% less chance to be critically hit.
Boar Speed: 30% speed (passive)

Hunter Specs:
Beast Mastery is probably going to be the best spec. Kill Command does about 500 damage. BM hunters get Go for the Throat, which makes ranged autoshot crits generate 10 pet focus and arcane shot crits reduce your pet's next basic attack by 100% for 12 seconds. Why is this useful? Pet basic attacks are the new autoshots, doing like 100 each. Autoshots now do like 90-100 btw. BUT your pet's basic attack (bite, etc) does 100% more damage at the cost of 120% more focus if the pet has more than 50 focus. HIT A 432 ON A NO GEARED ROGUE WITH A PET'S ATTACK. AND THEN A 649! 300 crit on a geared shaman.124 cat opening out of stealth on a geared shaman. 360 noncrit buffed coming out of stealth on a nogeared rogue.

Marksmanship: Aimed Shot is about the same. Careful Aim: increases crit on targets above 90% by 60%. Did about 900 crit when quick testing. No rapid killing procs. no increased autoshot damage. 670 noncrit on a nogeared rogue. like 600 crit on a geared 1900 shaman. 900-1k crits on boomkins. nothing special here.

Survival: no extra stam. Explosive Shot did 167 crit on a mage in a quick test. 129 on some 29 mob. no unique abilities or talents. arcane shot spam can be done in any spec.

Think thats about it.

Overall the pet is mightier than the sorry ass huntard.

Damage testing:
on a shaman with 45% damage reduction from armor and 35% reduction from resil.

Steady shot: 60
serpent sting: 50 tick, 5 ticks. 250 total.
arcane shot: 100
kill command: 120
explosive shot: 68 tick, 3 ticks
aimed shot: 330
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WHAT THE HELL?! LOST THE HALLOWED TITLE! of the Horde instead. i dont even.
Did you read the PTR FAQ? Achievements are not copied to the PTR. Ambassador is based on rep, and rep is copied, so you keep that.
AGM bubble is not a flat 1000. No longer 750-1250.
It's like that on live, and had been for some time. You can either display it as an average, 1k, or what it actually is, 750-1250.
You need 3% to expertise cap. Only real option are the Foreman's Gloves for 5 expertise rating, which will give you 2.71% expertise. So the troll racial is probably not worth it just to be .71% over cap..
You're thinking of the soft expertise cap. Being over the softcap will still be useful against classes that have higher dodge and parry than clothies. Rogues have very high dodge.

This is for everyone, but PTR is not what's going to be live. What goes live will not stay live. Keep that in mind when going on the PTR and getting excited/disapointed, wanting to make a new OP class etc. etc.
This isn't really about anything class related but can anyone tell me what's going on with weapons? I know melee got ranged weapons taken and ranged got melee but can we still have the appearance of having melee if we are ranged? I like my sword mog :/

Ty was hearing enough about the annoying 1.5k crit healing spells was waiting for a hunt to say something.. Hopefully bm gets nerfed alittle while healing gets nerfed alot or else the whole bg will just be healers and bm hunts (worse then it is now).
BM is fine. pet damage is just strange displaced in all specs. i was in marksman when i was testing the pet basic attacks. If it were to be nerfed then resil would need to aswell. all classes having 80% damage reduction is lame.

Did you read the PTR FAQ? Achievements are not copied to the PTR. Ambassador is based on rep, and rep is copied, so you keep that.

It's like that on live, and had been for some time. You can either display it as an average, 1k, or what it actually is, 750-1250.

You're thinking of the soft expertise cap. Being over the softcap will still be useful against classes that have higher dodge and parry than clothies. Rogues have very high dodge.

This is for everyone, but PTR is not what's going to be live. What goes live will not stay live. Keep that in mind when going on the PTR and getting excited/disapointed, wanting to make a new OP class etc. etc.
nope i dont read anything. went into ptr knowing the minimal.
preboa rogue has 40%. my hunter has 20%. ull never cap that anyway it seems. perhaps ill keep my naga gloves.

Not true
It becomes =1 ALL stats
if you say so.

and as i said my rings are all +4 fire resistance, etc.

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