Search results

  1. Best 19 Twinks Of Every Class

    Hunter: Itwònthurt - Korialstrasz Druid: Bringmedown - Korialstrasz Warrior: Santeclause - Ravenholdt Rogue: Fisherman - Korialstrasz Shaman: Wtfisaheals - Misha Warlock: Ifearu - Anub'arak Those are the only ones that really stand out to me in the Whirlwind battlegroup.
  2. Need AGM advise. Vassup?

    I'm not sure what's wrong with people, but I usually use something called a "friend" to help me out with it.
  3. 19 Rogue Professions (need some opinions)

    I'm just wondering which combination of professions I should get. Right now I have mining and skinning, but I want to drop one and pick up Herbalism. The question is, which one should I drop? Keep in mind mining gives 7 stamina and skinning gives 9 crit rating (about 3%).
  4. What class is best to support a rogue

    Entangling roots allow the rogue to get more hits in. Also, I prefer druid heals regrowth+rejuv is a lot of HoT.
  5. Global Thread to all Whom it May Concern

    Why not Ruin? It's currently the most populated battlegroup for twinks.
  6. What class is best to support a rogue

    Druid hands down for entangling roots + heals.
  7. Questions for Defining New 19 balance

    I'm wondering if you've ever played in the 19 bracket, since if you did, you'd realize it's pretty damn easy to take out a rogue 1v1. Especially if you're a hunter. The important thing is to not let the rogue get close to you. For a caster it usually means run while casting instant spells...
  8. Questions for Defining New 19 balance

    There aren't any definite comparisons because as your crit/dodge percentages get higher, each point of agility gives less and less. The only way to show it well is with a curve on a graph.
  9. Level 10 twink weapon possibility

    First of all, no need to be rude here. Secondly, that's not actually true. Pallies dont need melee weapons to use any of the abilities they have at level 10. Also, druids don't need a melee weapon to use abilities in bear form. Even if it isn't a great pvp weapon, it could be a useful pve...
  10. Level 10 twink weapon possibility

    Even without an enchant wouldn't it still do more dps than any other 2h at level 10?
  11. Level 10 twink weapon possibility

    I've been reading up on level 10 twinks recently for some reason. Any way, I was just wondering if anyone has experimented with the Arcanite Fishing Pole. It requires 300 fishing, which is attainable at level 10. It also has incredible dps for a level 10 weapon. The one problem I see with it...
  12. 19 Twink Shaman

    Calm down, it was just an opinion.
  13. 19 Twink Shaman

    If he followed your advice he would only be able to fight every 15 minutes. The key is to kite the rogue while you kill it slowly but surely.
  14. Rate my 19 rogue.

    If I were you, I would get fang gloves (you'll get the +4 expertise buff), westfall tunic and inherited insignia of the alliance (for that extra resil). I'm loving the Shadowfang though :D
  15. Has soy posted recently?/has anyone tried farming shadowfang?

    No one farms it because there's a rumor that's been going around for a while that it only drops off of 5 of the bosses in the instance (0.01% of the time or something). Unfortunately, it's against the rules for a GM to confirm or deny this. So, we'll never know for sure.
  16. 19 Twink Shaman

    A good rogue will beat you as long as he/she has his trinket and sprint. The best way to win is just be like all the other annoying shamans and put down an Earthbind totem while you run away and hit him with a few spells (preferably the ones that put dots on him). It's a pretty cowardly way to...
  17. Argh!!

    Run deadmines or wailing caverns.
  18. Best 19 Hunter Pet

    As a rogue, I have the most trouble against hunters with hyenas. Their slow lasts for 5 seconds and has a very short cooldown. If you couple it with wingclip and concussive shot, a rogue (or almost any melee class) won't be able to get close enough to kill you, or far enough to get away.
  19. Shadowfang information from gm

    In case anyone hasn't seen this screenshot that was posted on thottbot, here it is: It basically shows a GM saying that it DOES drop off any mob in the instance. I think the shadowfang drop rate myth has gotten out of control.
  20. mining vs skinning

    It gives you a spell called Lifeblood which heals for about 700hp (although in the next patch it will heal more if you have a lot of health).