19 Twink Shaman

I just got my shaman to 19 yesterday and I'm feeling really confident that this is the twink I'm going to play. With a AGM I think I got enough health/mana/SP to take on allmost anything.

I do have one question tho.

How do you take on rogues? Their kicks makes it very hard, if not impossible, to heal. A good combination of kick/gourge can make sure I dont heal at all.

I sometimes do this thing where I:

Run away from them

Drop Earthbind

Run back and behind the earthbind

And then infront of the earthbind again and heal.

But with sprint up they can still get to me before I finish the heal.

Also, what is a good arena partner for 2v2 as a resto shaman. I've tried a rogue, but they don't really cut it in arena I think. I did play with a warrior in a PuG arena and I liked the fact that he could hamstring. I'm not going to play with a hunter.

I havn't played with a warlock yet, but I've met some good warlocks.

I'm torn between



Well now Im just blablabing. Main question; How do you deal with rogues?



The World of Warcraft Armory
you can avoid a gouge by not showing your front. (put your face against a wall)

You can avoid a kick by fake-casting. (remember to heal early, not when you're about to die. You should have low enough health that if your heal crit it would almost top you off. Bandaids are your friend too, 4 ticks and you're at full health.)

You're gonna need to work on your trinkets asap, once you get your pvp trink and agm things get much easier. I'd suggest you trade in your neck for the pvp neck with agi, 6 agi is better than 1 stam for a shammy, even if he's resto. You might want to get the Mp5 chant on your shield instead of stam, mana is very important.

Get herbalism, there are guides all over on how to do it quickly. After you get a hat get mining.

Once you sort out all that stuff your twink will have much better survivability and killing power.

As for an arena partner id say just get a hunter for their peels, cant really go wrong.
[ITEM]Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem[/ITEM] helps aswell.

Shaman/Hunter and Shaman/Warrior are both strong teams.
A good rogue will beat you as long as he/she has his trinket and sprint. The best way to win is just be like all the other annoying shamans and put down an Earthbind totem while you run away and hit him with a few spells (preferably the ones that put dots on him). It's a pretty cowardly way to fight, but it works.
Grunge said:
you can avoid a gouge by not showing your front. (put your face against a wall)

Smart, didn't think about that. I allways just tried to keep my back to them by holding down right mouse button.

Grunge said:

You can avoid a kick by fake-casting. (remember to heal early, not when you're about to die. You should have low enough health that if your heal crit it would almost top you off. Bandaids are your friend too, 4 ticks and you're at full health.)

Yeah, I do fake-cast. But most rogues see through that.

As for bandaids; I should proberly get that up yeah.

Grunge said:
You're gonna need to work on your trinkets asap, once you get your pvp trink and agm things get much easier. I'd suggest you trade in your neck for the pvp neck with agi, 6 agi is better than 1 stam for a shammy, even if he's resto. You might want to get the Mp5 chant on your shield instead of stam, mana is very important.

Aye yea, working on trinkets. Dunno about the neck tho, I don't deal much melee damage.

And I've not really experienced mana problems yet. So untill I get some more stamina to work with, +7stamina is gonna stay on.

Grunge said:
Get herbalism, there are guides all over on how to do it quickly. After you get a hat get mining.

Aye, gonna get herbalism after 3.2. Just wanted to make sure this was the right twink for me. I put quite some time into my hunter and still got some unfinished business, but now I hardly play him anymore.

Grunge said:
Once you sort out all that stuff your twink will have much better survivability and killing power.

As for an arena partner id say just get a hunter for their peels, cant really go wrong.

Yea, I'd rather not play with a class I got myself. I'll just get angry at them if they're doing something wrong.

Thanks for the input. Was very helpfull :) +Repped
Elude said:
A good rogue will beat you as long as he/she has his trinket and sprint. The best way to win is just be like all the other annoying shamans and put down an Earthbind totem while you run away and hit him with a few spells (preferably the ones that put dots on him). It's a pretty cowardly way to fight, but it works.

You really have no idea what you're talking about. Shaman agms and takes the burst, then gets back to kiting you while keeping flame shock up and totems.

A good shaman will never lose to a rogue.
Fake casting is awesome when it works, BUT

A 3,5 second cast after pushbacks is hard to fake cast. And when you fail fake casting against a rogue, you put yourself in a lot of trouble. I don't even try to fake cast against them anymore.

In theory, baiting the kick and not showing your front while he tries to gouge you wtfpwns rogues. In practice, you just spend 8 seconds doing absolutely nothing 90% of the time you try it.

Obviously you need decent gear to stand a chance against rogues. You need to withstand the sprint, and have enough mana to kill him. Ie you need a good balance of health (~1,2k), mana (~1,4k), armor (over 1000), and spellpower (100+ if possible). As far as I remember, that's the stats I personally use in a rogue duel. Minor speed is very important. I also use the stoneclaw glyph. Herbalism is also needed in many of the duels to not die during sprint. The talent for increased earthbind range is also useful.

Here's how the fight goes:

-Start with stoneskin+searing, I normally don't even use my intellect weapons. Just arctic buckler for the armor.

-He opens on you, you immediately drop earthbind and run.

-If he sprints, you just dps him normally (flame/earth shock, keep lightning shield up, melee him, searing totem, drop stoneclaw when the cooldown is up if you have the stoneclaw glyph). Don't drop earthbinds during sprint. You may need to pop lifeblood.

-When sprint is used, you just drop an earthbind, run far away (far enough so that earthbind does a second slow debuff on him), and heal. There should easily be enough time for one heal. Now you just heal this way when needed and dps the rogue down. (I find I need to do this pretty much every time the earthbind cooldown is up)

-If he gouges you when he is low, be prepared to trinket the gouge and interrupt his bandage with a shock/melee

-If he bandages at any other time, be prepared to drink yourself if he is too far to be interrupted

-Try to kite him away from your searing totems so that if he tries to destroy them, you get heals off

-you don't need AGM to pull this off. Use it if you like, I have one, but I'd rather save the shield for when I actually need it.

This gear/execution has worked very well for me, I haven't met a good shadowfang rogue yet though.
My shaman is getting geared up, still miss ALOT but i get the feeling :)

I leveled 19 yesterday and went BG, i top dps/healed even i'm not good geared. (600hp and 86 sp but 17% crit on spells) I managed to heal some ppl and do some burst dps well. So i can only imagin how nice it will be with 400-500 hp more, another 3% crit and +- 40 sp more :)

Of all classes rogues rlly piss me off, they have ALOT at there level to cope with casters, sprint, gaughe, interupt and alot of crit and fast dmg. Basicly if you stay in range of them you are FUBAR !

Once patch 3.2 is there i start grinding more instances for more items (Artic buckler ...)

I was told shamans get better healing spell at level 18 or something also with ghostwolf, what does the better healing spell involve?
Hassassin said:
You really have no idea what you're talking about. Shaman agms and takes the burst, then gets back to kiting you while keeping flame shock up and totems.

A good shaman will never lose to a rogue.

If he followed your advice he would only be able to fight every 15 minutes. The key is to kite the rogue while you kill it slowly but surely.
Elude said:
A good rogue will beat you as long as he/she has his trinket and sprint. The best way to win is just be like all the other annoying shamans and put down an Earthbind totem while you run away and hit him with a few spells (preferably the ones that put dots on him). It's a pretty cowardly way to fight, but it works.

Cowardly? I'm sorry. Let me run up in your face and hit you with my +sp dagger because it's less cowardly. :rolleyes: Wow...
KillLarryDead said:
Cowardly? I'm sorry. Let me run up in your face and hit you with my +sp dagger because it's less cowardly. :rolleyes: Wow...

Calm down, it was just an opinion.
Elude said:
Calm down, it was just an opinion.

I'm calm. But that isn't an opinion, that's ignorance. That is how the class is played. Why would a shaman gimp himself by running in "being brave" like a rogue or warrior which, by the way, are designed to play like that? That's like saying a priest is a coward for shielding or a hunter is cowardly for using a ranged weapon...
Xposure said:
if you survive the sprint, you'll do fine against rogues :D (but if the rogue is smart enough to kill the earthbind totem, you'll might have some trouble)

If the rogue is smart enough to kill the earthbind totem, he still takes the slow debuff, and you get to heal.

For maximized range in this situation, you want to run to the back left, because earth totems are placed at your front right.
Xposure said:
it's possible to kill it before you get the slow debuff acctually (done it on my rogue a few times), but dosen't happen often

That happens if the shaman puts the totem down while you are out of range from it, and you run in before the next tick.

However if he puts it down next to you, it will tick immediately.
I really do love people like Elude. Ive had twink rogues call me a wimp for kiting them on my mage.. What do you expect me to do? Trade fireballs in your face? With your kick.. gouge and knockback? Cowardly implies that its wrong. Thats 100% the way to beat a rogue.. Watch Igne vs Oneshot to see a good rogue shaman match.
Elude said:
If he followed your advice he would only be able to fight every 15 minutes. The key is to kite the rogue while you kill it slowly but surely.

Last time I checked you can agm whenever you want because the cool down is refreshed every arena. If you're a bad enough shaman to have to pro blood, go ahead and crutch on it. The whole idea is to pop agm to survive the sprint burst and then you just kite him with totems and flameshock.
So your saying whenever he pops sprint you AGM? Thats stupid, and theres no cowardace is range attacks on a RANGED class. I find hunters a bigger problem than rogues on my shaman, but rogues arent the biggest problem. Aswell as on my hunter, shamans seem like a challenge, unless ofcorse, the rogue has all his CD's (Which seems like all the time :'( ... )
Twinkzruz said:
So your saying whenever he pops sprint you AGM? Thats stupid, and theres no cowardace is range attacks on a RANGED class. I find hunters a bigger problem than rogues on my shaman, but rogues arent the biggest problem. Aswell as on my hunter, shamans seem like a challenge, unless ofcorse, the rogue has all his CD's (Which seems like all the time :'( ... )

If a rogue pops sprint and is on top of you, yes you agm if you can't get away because eb is on cool down.

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