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  1. Best of 19s EU

    Can't watch D: f#cking shit country i live at >.<
  2. Darkchewie 2.0 Video

    reading this thread was more entertaining than the vid >.<
  3. streaming mage + skype hate on a constructive level

    inb4 guild kick . Oh wait ^^ ..
  4. streaming mage + skype hate on a constructive level

    Yay , something to watch while waiting for warsongs! , also welcome back cutie pie ^.^
  5. Best of 19s EU

    I some what agree with you, my list would have looked diffrently as well if sertan players were active. I dont blame you for not mentioning me, nor do i care. Though i would say that there's better active pala's around than snack. Also just to be clear im only "farming" mid untill some one...
  6. US Real life pictures - 19's only - this is necessary

    Picture is from last year, still look the same though.
  7. Best of 19s EU

    Fhayrq Zimt Rastamán Cåst Healbear Viancoqia Lejn Hurrx Eljero Active list 24-05-2012
  8. Gloomshroud 200g EU

    think hes most likely going to be useing it on his rogue , but i could be wrong. congratz on finially getting the chest medo! risky move to migrate a 85 over there for gold o.O