Best of 19s EU

Gonna post some players who havnt been posted that much

Rogue: Spoink
Paladin: Technique
Priest: Lil
Lock: Spawn
Hunter: Viccoo
Warrior: Critrage
Shaman: Baldikämmen
Mage: Tonop
Druid: Pilgrimo
You should list the best ppl and not those who dont get mention that much.

Btw critrage is one of the worst wars out there and on the top a scream spamer. No reason to list him imo. Inbefore someone ask, ppl should be allowed to give their opinion on lists getting posted.
You should list the best ppl and not those who dont get mention that much.

Btw critrage is one of the worst wars out there and on the top a scream spamer. No reason to list him imo. Inbefore someone ask, ppl should be allowed to give their opinion on lists getting posted.

You left out his speed pots left right and centre.
Rogue: Sooo many good... Really tough decision but for WSG skills I'll say Ondura.
Paladin: Snáck is my favourite!
Priest: I like Mesiqt's style in pvp, but Impûlse definitely the coolest priest to hang around with!
Lock: Garitos is a nice lock and plays it quite consistently so my vote goes for him :p
Hunter: Bóalol
Warrior: Balthasaur best fury, Critrage has the best offspec FCing I've seen a warrior do!
Shaman: Eljero, no competition here
Mage: Vianco best arcane, Cele plays nicely as frost :)
Druid: Pacz best heals, Scabere best balance, Maybe Scabe for FCing aswell since I see him carry quite often, also usually in balance spec which is a lot different from resto :p

I'd list honorable mentions and alternate "#1", but it'd take forevah! You people who don't like I didn't list them, you know yourself you're good so don't feel bad :)
I'll try to join the list as soon as MoP hits, monk twink inc! ;)
I am confused as to all the listings of healbear. I do not dispute the fact that he is alright. Though I think it's a bit like listing Plantaris for mage. Maybe I would think he was good enough for a mention if he healed on O or D more - the places where juking & los-ing & keeping pace with the rest of O and the EFC is actually required. Am I the only one seeing this?
If i got you right you say that healbear focus on mid healing? Well imo he is one of the best def heals out there. Always feels good to have him there. And tbh every game im in, when alliance pug isnt full of baddies, i see him def healing.
For me he is overall the best heal druid atm. Everyone else who got listed here is average.
I am confused as to all the listings of healbear. I do not dispute the fact that he is alright. Though I think it's a bit like listing Plantaris for mage. Maybe I would think he was good enough for a mention if he healed on O or D more - the places where juking & los-ing & keeping pace with the rest of O and the EFC is actually required. Am I the only one seeing this?

i think his positioning when healing in mid is flawless.

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