Search results

  1. Activity and Competition - Coexist

    I haven't read the whole thread, but I think the stuff you mention about being open/friendly/welcoming is so key. The F2P bracket (discounting P2P players) since its inception has been incredibly active I think in large part because of how open and welcoming it is. Having the F2P addons...
  2. Free Boost's in 2's

    Consider this a vouch! Crazy good, 2v1'd an endless stream of people while I ran around like an idiot. Got me to an easy 1550 and like 5k CQ. Nice guy, real patient. ^_^
  3. Free Boost's in 2's

    I would love this so much! Freshly 90'd, and a huge CQ point cap to catch up on :P Quite a lot of free time for the next few days as well if you'd be down to gimme a help-out. Bit of a scrub so far!
  4. One of the only reasons to play Feral in 20-24s

    Your bracket would get so few pops without the f2p players. I would say what he said is neither stupid nor pathetic, but a reasonable argument. Purposefully gimping yourself in this bracket allows you much more competitive and challenging PVP than steamrolling poorly geared chars as a 24...
  5. EU19 Revival Project - Recruitment

    Looks great! I look forward to queueing a few when I get home from mah holidays :D
  6. EU19 Revival Project - Recruitment

    Up for this, got a pally that needs updating on Aggramar (H) anyway. Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
  7. New Holy Paladin Enchants?

    Haiii, There've been threads for a bunch of other classes, and I'm feeling mildly overwhelmed by the choice available now so I thought I'd ask here. Anyone got any advice on BiS 'chants? Also how does PvP Power scale with us?
  8. 70-79 70 Twink Paladin PvP Guide [MoP]

    With a Holy Paladin, what's the best thing to Gem for? I'm leveling one right now and stocking up on Gems via transmutes/crafts on my main. I've got like 13 PvP Power ones from a 70 project a while back and am working on any others. In terms of Holy healing/bit of damage (sort of an all-round...
  9. Warlocks. Where are they?

    I'm working on one! Out of game time at the moment. Link in teh sig. The reason my gloves are shitgemmed is because they're far from BiS, and I lack some stuff in the way of a staff, professions and a few pieces of gear. 'm well stocked when it comes to +resil and +power gems though, so I...
  10. Are druids overplayed in this bracked the same as 19s?

    Heyy, I ran out of gametime so I'm rolling an alliance character on Twisting Nether EU for a bit of F2P fun for a while and was wondering how overplayed resto druids are in this bracket? I don't want to roll another FoTM horrible thing, so I thought I'd check before I rolled, much as I love...
  11. How are Arcane Mages preforming currently?

    I played a PuG today on my arcane mage, like the most terribly geared thing in the whole world, proffs not completed, terrible. I'm talking basically a level 20 in a couple 'looms and like... Four? Slots BiS. Came third on the HKs and 3rd-4th on the overall damage thingies. You just blink...
  12. Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    Oh yeah! I still have that panda mage on the server sitting at like level 5, I got distracted by the end game waayyy to easily. I'll get back to that this week :D I could potentially transfer my Paladin over there too, once I've collected a couple more BoAs. Alliance right?
  13. Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    Hello! I didn't want to make a whole new thread and I hope this isn't a terrible place to put this, but I am planning on returning to my 19 Paladin (Alliance, Human, Draenor) as the only fairly well-geared 19 I have left, and was wondering if Holy is still acceptable as a spec? I'm currently...
  14. Niceferatu - WARLOCK!

    I do not know, I'm just a bit of a sucker for Affliction 'locks. We'll soon see if it is, if not, Demonology's still there.
  15. Niceferatu - WARLOCK!

    Yeahh, like I said, after I finish gearing this stuff I'll be getting doubles of a lot of it, and gemming THEM for Resilience, that way I can mix-and-match as I wish. The reason the gloves have got +16 gems in is purely because those gloves aren't BiS, they're just acting as a stand-in until I...
  16. Niceferatu - WARLOCK!

    Hello there! Niceferatu @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft I'm currently in the process of gearing my new warlock twink, I've only been 70 for like three days, so I know I'm lacking a few items, as I understand it they are: Handguards of Defiled Worlds (For the 2 gem...
  17. Base Resilience increased to 65%

    Blizzard says, in the patch notes for 5.3, that: Additional information and explanation for the reasoning behind PvP changes will be available very soon. All characters now have a base Resilience of 65%. Resilience has been removed from most PvP gear. PvP Power will remain on PvP gear...
  18. Do BG pops/vaguely regular arenas actually happen?

    CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Who wants to just be ANOTHER rogue. I'mma play 'lock and be amazing. Thanks for answering ma questions ^_^ If anyone's got an alliance 70 twink on Draenor (eu) then hit me up! Maybe on realid? I'll edit this with info afterrr at some point. If I remember.
  19. Do BG pops/vaguely regular arenas actually happen?

    Thank you ever so much! I expect I'll roll alliance then, try to help things out :D My choices are Human mage or Nelf rogue it seems, I'm not a massive fan of starting from scratch and those're both partially leveled alliance classes I have. Which one is less well-represented? I've noticed...
  20. Do BG pops/vaguely regular arenas actually happen?

    Hey there, I used to play 70s a fair bit, though all my characters are since leveled out. I'd like to come back, as I really enjoy the bracket, however I was wondering if there actually are BG pops on the EU side? To a lesser extent arenas as well. Also what classes are y'all in need of...