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  1. Drybones0


    Okay, this is just... hillarious.
  2. Drybones0


    Yeah. Poké-trolling.
  3. Drybones0

    Does the code to join raids at low level still work?

    Ah, thanks for the help. I never meant raids as in ACTUAL raids, I meant for the 40 man group. Someone was trying to inv me to a raid the other day, and I was saying "It should work...". Seems if I want to go into a raid group, I'll have to make it.
  4. Drybones0

    Does the code to join raids at low level still work?

    Hello. I am a level one twink on Moonguard. I was wondering, does the code to join raids while not being level 10+ still work? The code: /run SetAllowLowLevelRaid(true) Does it still work? Or has the code changed? If it doesnt work/it changed, please tell me.
  5. Drybones0

    Something about Pandas, that may be amazing.

    Just checked... Sadly, it didn't work. :(
  6. Drybones0

    5.04 LIVE ON 28th

  7. Drybones0

    <~Gradu Unus~> (A) Moon Guard

    Us at the arena in Blade's edge Mountains: My furbolg suit, which my guildies helped me get
  8. Drybones0

    You can only listen to one song while you pvp, what would it be?

    For me, it'd either be Super Meat Boy Guitar Medley - YouTube Or The Binding of Isaac Guitar Medley - YouTube These are both very amazing songs, and both are mixes of songs made by the same company: Team Meat.
  9. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    And I bet half of them are Nor's guildies.
  10. Drybones0

    <~Gradu Unus~> (A) Moon Guard

    Probably so noobs don't copy it.
  11. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    Oh, very funny. Some of your twinks back-pedal. I've seen it in action. Atleast we're better than sitting around throwing insults at people for taking an item that is rightfully theirs.
  12. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    I beat a fully loomed level 10 twink before. It takes skill, not the gear. Sure, the gear can give some nice touches, but the skill is the main ingredient in a good twink.
  13. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    Quality over quantity, Nor, Quality over quantity.
  14. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    Noraan, all this stress is making you start to lose your twinking knowledge. Just forget about the cloak, and go reread some twinking guides to restore your twinking knowledge.
  15. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    It isn't two armor. It is actually 34 armor, but you don't seem to know that.
  16. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    So, Nor, you lack less Twinking knowledge than me, and I started twinking less than a year ago, and only recently started learning in depth to Twinking. My first twink was a tauren pally that had pretty good chants, but starter gear.
  17. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    Hahahah. Do you know what BiS is? The dress is BiS for non-loomed. Also, Nor, the cape is only good for level one twinks, which you lack.
  18. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    It's a sad day when a fully grown man starts crying over a cape with less value than spoiled spilled milk.
  19. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    So, shadowfang is somehow the same as a shitty cloak?
  20. Drybones0

    Don't Trust Nyzora!

    Nyzora/Vindera isn't an asshole. He is just trying to defend himself against a douche who ninja'd him out of getting a rare item. Vind decided that he'd get the item back, which he did, then he traded it for a Vial of the Sands, to be helpful to others instead of jumping around in a shitty cloak...