5.04 LIVE ON 28th

The day that classes start back up.

Blizzard seriously needs to look a school schedule...

Thank God this is my last semester.
  • About two months ago ArenaNet announced the release date for Guild Wars 2
  • Blizzard scrambled to put their patch together in time to hit that release date
  • Several coefficients for WoW classes are still broken
  • Vivendi trys to sell activision-blizzard
  • Activision-blizzard's stock begins to drop
  • Media Release is planned to try to generate hype, to be released tomorrow (15-Aug-2012)

The second age of mmo's approaches
Does this mean we can bypass the F2P gold cap? and possably be able to buy those too expensive items?

BLUE TEXT: "At the end of the season, Conquest Points will be converted to Honor Points, possibly exceeding the 4,000 point Honor cap. There will be no cap on Honor until Mists of Pandaria is released on September 25. At that time, any Honor accrued above the 4,000-point cap will be converted into gold at a rate of 35 silver per point."
Well paint me green and call me a lollipop, rogues get shafted sooner then I thought.
Ehh, im rolling one on MG anayway, for rp'ing wen bored
And 1/2 of op'druids™ will not know ghow to get the 1.5K player crits(FB)
Does this mean we can bypass the F2P gold cap? and possably be able to buy those too expensive items?

BLUE TEXT: "At the end of the season, Conquest Points will be converted to Honor Points, possibly exceeding the 4,000 point Honor cap. There will be no cap on Honor until Mists of Pandaria is released on September 25. At that time, any Honor accrued above the 4,000-point cap will be converted into gold at a rate of 35 silver per point."

I would imagine that we will be unable to earn gold from this above the cap, unless Blizz messes up somewhere and accidentally overrides it. Highly unlikely.
We all know Guild Wars 2 is gonna be the game of the year. D3 / MoP can't compete.

Dunno about that. I'm looking at Borderlands 2/Halo 4/ Amnesia 2 and possibly Farcry 3 if they deliver well to the hype.
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If I counted the days correctly, next monday is the day that the bracket is changed forever.

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