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  1. The game goes on

    Whats up tinks this is Dazzlerazzle; I haven't played in a few months so idk how many of y'all know me. The reason I made this post is because I was wondering about 19s current state. So if I could get some info on horse/alli ratio, active guilds, and overall competition in the bracket. Any info...
  2. THE MOST ACURATE TWINK RATING LIST (US) by Blirz with help from twiggi

    Shadez is muh guy, but let's be real... The only other fc war on par with meh is og sargntpizza. Call it arrogant or whatever, but I call it like I see it. In the words of saxx... Some say he dazzles others claim he razzles..
  3. THE MOST ACURATE TWINK RATING LIST (US) by Blirz with help from twiggi

    Everytime I look at one of these lists the only thing I see is mgc #1 P.s. ghostfighter is 10
  4. This Bracket Needs Some Change. Hear Me Out

    Shoulda never left mgc. However still a quality player that can greatly influence the flow of a game
  5. why do respectable tinks play op classes?

    theyre are respectable tinks for every class. nuff said
  6. Any BH guilds (attempting)premading besides WT?

    it must be opposite day
  7. Peace till MoP

    Yeah title says it all, I've cancelled my accounts until mop comes out. Catch ya on the flip side tinks. Your favorite warrior Dazzlerazzle
  8. *America's Next Powerhouse Guild? (with descriptions)*

    led by the intellectual mastermind that is geno. HAAAA LOL ROFLMAO HAA
  9. *America's Next Powerhouse Guild? (with descriptions)*

    da fuck? who you callin obsolete? LSS #1 foo
  10. Best of 19s (US) - Old school

    Come back d.a. There's no fun drama anymore. I got you on an A team spot -Dazzlerazzle
  11. Real Id'ish premade

    Im trying to get a game or two going on tonight between 7-10 pm CST. All classes and skill levels welecome. Additionally I'm looking for an alli side player to field a team. Would like to keep it to no more then 3 people per guild. If Interested add me on real Id, or...
  12. Best of 19s (US) - Old school

    Where's seep you need to haggle some camels d.a.
  13. Why do good guilds break up?

    Mgc got bored of rolling kids. And wt wouldn't play us so 4 of our a team stopped playing.... And then lss came to be, which was same story differen day. We wanted to play tc but premade got delayed like 1 1/2 and people have lives... So game was cancelled. Rip mgc and lss
  14. 19 Mamore's

    For sure one of the best ones ive read, I never got to play with Cl competitively and learn from them. But I feel where your coming from; without the boys at TTU aka seep n bgpwner I wouldn't be half the player I am now. Also my boy Pk who taught me the mechanics of Druid 1v1 when you didn't see...
  15. Step back from the ledge my friend

    Jumpers dont harm you in anyway shape or form... Lets be real none of you kids are anywhere close to gettin bloodthirsty or Of The ____. so why do you insist on killing people who are just trying to better themselves? C'mon im trying to dust the rust off and get back to tip top shape, ya naw...
  16. 19 Mamore's

    I remember that fateful day in ironforge. Without seep we would be lost nobodies ha
  17. 19 Mamore's

    yeaaa i for sure miss allt he competitive 1v1's... :(
  18. 19 Mamore's

    haaa naxx pads! i still have mine :)
  19. 19 Mamore's

    The 19 community has been the center to twinking since azeroth came to be. Therefore, us glorious tinkers have lived through the monumental changes brought upon azeroth. So now i beckon you to share your favorite memories throughout your 19 career. My favorite memories come from way back in...
  20. What's poppin

    Are there any games popping, and if so are they worth logging on for. Stay saxxy tinks