*America's Next Powerhouse Guild? (with descriptions)*

The Next Powerhouse?

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Alpha and Omega
Whenever a new expansion is released, twink brackets are thrown in to flux. Players come and go, guilds rise and fall, and a reorganization of the bracket takes place. Here we are again, on the verge of entering the Mists of Pandaria – it is time for the process to begin again. Currently in the 19s bracket, there are many active guilds that have not had continuity. Waw Tawent has been the one constant in the bracket, though the same can arguably be said of the alliance players on Elune despite their bi-monthly change of guild names. In this poll and accompanying discussion, we are attempting to determine which guild will benefit from MoP the most, emerging as a dominant powerhouse later this year. In case you are not familiar with all participating guilds, I offer a short, factual description of each. (I apologize to MiC, BR, and other guilds that I did not have room to list, did this on a first-thought-of basis, but if anyone wishes to throw their support toward one of these or other guilds, it is within your rights to do so in this discussion. I would have loved to include an EU choice as is the norm, but my knowledge of EU guilds is too sparse to even write up a small paragraph)

Beantown Bullies
Beantown Bullies is a guild hanging on by a thread. Forsaken even by its leader (Ore), Baleqt acts as the guild’s steward as we navigate our way through the end of Cata. Many prophecies have been made about the return and rise of BTB come MoP, but Ore’s flirtations with Take Care lead us to question his resolve. How devoted can he be to the eventual success of BTB if he is content to dwell under the wing of the man (Beau) who betrayed BTB in the first place? BTB is seen as a long shot going forward, and may well only rejuvenate under leadership other than Ore. With a couple of strong guilds already on the alliance side of Bleeding Hollow, and many of BTB’s former members now making up tRain cOw, it is difficult to take this guild seriously.

Cherry Limeaid
Cherry Limeaid initially made a bit of a splash in the scene with the bold posts by its leader Enjoi and his right hand man Millktank. Here we had a flamboyantly color-coded recruitment thread, respectable group queues in the gultch, and speed pots galore. More recently, Enjoi has been seen sporting another guild tag, so Cherry Limeaid is not really expected to become the next powerhouse guild, unless another guild member steps up and takes the bull by the horns. I can only assume that Enjoi is boycotting his guildmates’ excessive use of speed pots, so perhaps he will soon be back to shepherd his flock toward the greener grass come MoP.

Ego is a bit of a dark horse candidate in this poll. It has a respectable leader, Flashhealz, but is on a server that no one in the 19 twinking community had previously heard of (Arathor). What does Ego have going for it? Well, it has solid group queues as of late, and has Epipen of TwinkInfo fame, as well as her boyfriend Animal or Dream or whatever he’s named. Ego is building itself slowly, tempering its expectations and not getting caught up in the dreams of premading glory too early in its existence. For this reason, it is widely seen as a wise choice to invest in for the long haul.

Grinding My Gearz
Gringing My Gearz (GMG) is one of the most established guilds on this list. Its leader, Gearz (aka Geno aka Stunna) has a history of leading guilds, and this is his latest incarnation. For those who have been scarce, it was previously known as Grape You in the Mouth (GYM). GMG has an experienced leader going for it, as well as a host of skilled individuals such as Fancy, Unsullied, and Revolution, and almost as importantly, Waw Tawent’s alliance characters are largely within the guild as a result of a long, healthy relationship with Gearz. As there are so many elements within the guild, Gearz has his work set out for him as MoP approaches, but it is expected that this guild will prosper under the tutelage of its experienced leader.

Lethal Synergy
Lethal Synergy is led by the well-known Browntown, who unfortunately supports some dead guild from years ago rather than his current guild (AP #1 biches). LS has a history of pugging 10 players in to gultches for afternoons and evenings at a time, so this guild is a popular choice for those who seek quick rewards. LS has had some issues in recent months, first losing some members after a particular set of premades against the now defunct Light Speed Scrolls, and then having its second-in-command Sneakier kicked out (and subsequently reinvited) for allegedly aiding the enemy. Despite these issues, LS has a strong base to work off of, and is seen as a popular choice to rise in MoP if it continues to increase its pug gultch prowess and continues to make it a policy that all members need hunter alts.

masta ballerz
Not to be confused with the original incarnation of the guild on the alliance side of Doomhammer (rip), masta ballerz under Saxx is a completely different endeavor. Buoyed by his recent election as the #1 top twink US/EU/Africa, Saxx decided to continue the story of one of 19 twinking’s most storied guild names, remaking MB in his own mold and leading it toward gultch and wargame glory. Taking a somewhat novel approach, Saxx has accepted applications from some top-notch twinks as well as some who are more new to the scene. With this inclusive recruiting policy, MB is seen as a potential powerhouse going in to MoP as long as its leadership stays true to the guild.

Mayhem is quite literally a guild living in 2006. It has respectable members (and a color-coding MVP guildmaster), but to use an analogy, Mayhem is like wearing a Peyton Manning jersey to a Colts game. It is like running on Hamcake Land. It is like Russia in World War I or Poland in World War II. In short, it is living in the past. Going forward, Mocha’s responsibility is to modernize his guild, update its weaponry, infuse it with contemporary technology. Having lost some members in the not-too-distant past, Mayhem responded by recruiting twinks such as Kaloth, but continues to have marginal visibility in the gultch. Looking forward, Mayhem has the notoriety to succeed, and has a good chance to do so if current recruitment policies continue.

Take Care
Take Care has had a tumultuous history. After his exit from Waw Tawent, Beau first committed to the creation of Beantown Bullies with Ore, before retracting his support and moving horde-side to create a rival guild in Take Care. However, he just wasn’t feelin it, and went unguilded for some time with Restosexual watching over the guild tag, before deciding to take the reins and lead his guild toward glory. Beau has since become a new man, a charismatic juggernaut in the mold of Pizza, and a TI blogger to boot. Using his newfound fame and respectability, Beau now seeks to build Take Care from the ground up, taking in members of the obsolete Light Speed Scrolls as well as randoms and sniped masta ballerz members. If he keeps this up, Take Care looks exceptionally strong going in to MoP.

tRain cOw
Early on in its existence, tRain cOw (TC, not to be confused with Take Care) was seen as nothing but the successor of Beantown Bullies. Nobody had high expectations for it with such a goofy name. However, it proved itself to have a strong base of members, hosting such powerhouses as Discover, Kitn, Sodawater, Craycray, and Blirz, and so had success in the gultch. Perhaps its high point was when it made Light Speed Scrolls dodge and subsequently die. Cannabis wanted none of that. TC holds a special niche in the bracket, with its large percentage of oceanic members. On some nights, it dominates the gultch in to the wee hours of the morning. With its respectable membership base, guild-killing history, and time zone niche, TC is seen as a strong choice going in to the next expansion.

Up on the Rooftop
Up on the Rooftop (RT) is a new player on the scene. Looking through the roster, you may recognize a whole bunch of names, and that is because you should. It is the guild Laughing Skull FTW under new leadership (that of Hunnybuns). Apparently, they did not like Dontdodrugs always hanging out on his Bleeding Hollow paladin, and so staged a coup d’etat to displace him. RT (and LSFTW, for that matter) is like a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry. It lacks the flair of a sports car, but is reliable and just keeps going and going like the Energizer Bunny. It is questionable whether this guild gains powerhouse status in MoP, questionable whether it even wants to, but you can be certain that it will be chugging along for years to come.
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We don't actually know if most of these guilds can even withhold the thought process of actually premading.
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Geno needs to boot each and every putrid WT nematode from his guild, then he will be able to achieve his true destiny stoop of thy throne.
Dory you will need to add a new guild to that list, ill keep you posted.
Actually, this is one of the best threads that have EVER been on this site.

No sarcasm, seriously a good start to my day
Thanks for the background stories on these guilds.
LS FTW was no toyota corolla in its hayday(s)

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