19 Mamore's


The 19 community has been the center to twinking since azeroth came to be. Therefore, us glorious tinkers have lived through the monumental changes brought upon azeroth. So now i beckon you to share your favorite memories throughout your 19 career. My favorite memories come from way back in the days of cyclone when 2 young up and comers led a guild of fisfits (forever twinkd... lol) to a cap against the all mighty mayhem back in their hay day. my 2nd favorite memory is making hot headed saze xfer back to whatever hole he came from after only being in cylcone for like a day...

share your stories tinkers

stay saxxy
This ^

i remember shouting out "fuck yes, fuck yes" repeatly for round 10mins when fishing for keefers after 15 weeks trying. No doubt everyones favorite moment in 19s.

getting agm pieces and finishing it, aswell as getting a naxx enchant and shadowfang were nice moments too. but not as thrilling as getting your first keefer's :D
Definitely getting my Nat Pagle's, got my first Keefers after about 5 minutes of my first tourney, and at the time had no idea how sought after it actually was. Boots on the other hand took about 12 tournaments.
-getting my first rare fish ever (boots)
-getting 2 sets of fishing gear
-farming sf on my lvl 40ish main back in the day and getting it to drop
-grinding the honour for a battlestandard
-beating every good hunter 1v1 in vengeance except for noein and iznvm on my old school rogue.
-taking a 1 year break from wow, coming back and beating one of the top rogues in vengeance at the time without agm or lifeblood the same day I reinstalled.
-moonwalking the flag across mid. I miss this :(
-fatblueman/tense 2s arena team
-looking back at how dumb I was on forums when I was younger compared to now and laughing.
-all the friends I've made and lost touch with other the years.
-arena in general. So many fun matches against sheep, kunz, etc (those long chess match style 1v1's)
-getting my first rare fish ever (boots)
-getting 2 sets of fishing gear
-farming sf on my lvl 40ish main back in the day and getting it to drop
-grinding the honour for a battlestandard
-beating every good hunter 1v1 in vengeance except for noein and iznvm on my old school rogue.
-taking a 1 year break from wow, coming back and beating one of the top rogues in vengeance at the time without agm or lifeblood the same day I reinstalled.
-moonwalking the flag across mid. I miss this :(
-fatblueman/tense 2s arena team
-looking back at how dumb I was on forums when I was younger compared to now and laughing.
-all the friends I've made and lost touch with other the years.
-arena in general. So many fun matches against sheep, kunz, etc (those long chess match style 1v1's)

yeaaa i for sure miss allt he competitive 1v1's... :(
FIshing hat for the first time, i ran straight to durotar as a human and /danced. Oh, almost as good as getting my first tcg tabard, that made me feel special ;3
GOD i have so many!
-spending hour upon hour upon hour upon dirty hour farming random shit for twinx, his Diplomat title, his GoC title... how we talked about absolutely fuck all for days on end
-Playing in tbc and being so young that i had to put my computer under my duvets to muffle the noises, so that mother dearest wouldn't turn off the internet :D
-Skirmish arenas, </3
-Conjured food and slow fall
-Pulsating Hydra heart in off-hand, and Tree-bark Jacket..
-All my friends whos' come and gone throughout my days, love all of you.
-Back when i was blissfully unaware that i was a burden to my team, and the first real twink took me by the collar and said "Son, go gear your lil ass up:"
-Fishing boots & hat, first AGM
-Does anybody else remember when they had somebody they really thought was "super cool at this game," who gave your play a compliment for the first time?
My best memory was from back in TBC when I got my first AGM, my main was lvl 40 so couldn't compete with the high lvls there. Solved it by creating a horde and whispered one of the hordies there that the alliance had insulted him. And when he gathered his friends and killed all high lvl alliance guys I took the chest. Had him to help me get the rest after that.
Fun times!
-Getting my first Shadowfang, AB and eludes in one day.
-Waking up one morning to update a patch that would see Fangs become one hand.
-Rocking up to STV on a sunday afternoon to fish with all the local 19s.
-The aforementioned looting of your first Keefer's, a beautiful day, which become that much more special getting your boots in the last 10 minutes as well.
-My first premade with Slippery When Wet, a loss, but great fun.
As many others said:

- First fishing hat and boots.
- Shadowfang.
- Wsg master achi.
- First arena tournament.
- Ganking in STV and Barrens.

I miss my warrior. <3

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