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  1. Duo's 250hk Video

    lol yes you farmed me in a premade when I was solo. There's no accomplishment in that. It's expected.
  2. Duo's 250hk Video

    Yeah, in a fair match with equally geared players you didn't do well.. Total shocker.
  3. Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    Yeah, lucky crits. And I think we all know that rogues are very situational with their burst. More often than not you can't two shot heals like that. As I've said, the F2P - P2P gap isn't huge like these crybaby f2p's make it seem like.
  4. Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    I play f2p all the time. They're fine. With the scaling f2p healers are incredible and game-changing. Everything is viable and does well in a capable player's hands. I'm tired of this self-victimization and complex that f2p players have. p2p players have an advantage, but it's not that drastic...
  5. Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    The difference really isn't huge anymore. Especially with the rise of the F2P healer. The only seriously ridiculous 24 is a spriest, or a rogue that stacks agi and bursts down an FC.
  6. Hardest F2P opponent you've fought

    Swags, any remotely competent holy paladin (always a female belf)
  7. Duo's 250hk Video

    Lol, I'm mad and yet you're the one typing out paragraphs. Quit premading, go solo, and people might respect you.
  8. Duo's 250hk Video

    Reading your posts is akin to seeing the inner-workings of a child's mind. Regardless, I hardly have any twinks on my friends list because I don't like to premade. When the outcome is already determined 9/10 times I lose all interest. I'd rather have competitive, crazy, random games. Guess you...
  9. Duo's 250hk Video

    Hey if I premade every time I queued I'd constantly win as well
  10. Duo's 250hk Video

    Well I rarely, if ever, see him queue solo. I have no respect for kids that refuse to queue without 3+ people. It's boring and lame.
  11. Duo's 250hk Video

    Ha, this. This video is awful. Just demonstrating his different gear sets? With that awful "we are farmers" in the background. So strange..
  12. Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    Never said it was just about the best gear, but that absolutely plays a factor. And yes, it's about fun.
  13. Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    But twinking has always been about getting the best everything possible?
  14. 24 Pally, ret or prot?

    This bracket does not need another prot paladin. Go holy, please.
  15. Wangmuncher 24 Mage Introduction.

    Nice vid. I feel like I'm one of the only 24s that solo queues 100% of the time. Going in with a group and the outcome predetermined 9 times out of 10 is beyond boring.
  16. Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    The whole point of twinking is to get every single advantage you can, and the best gear possible. It's really not my fault if some of you F2P's wanna cry about it.
  17. Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    I'd love to know the amount of people that can afford an Internet connection, a viable computer that can play WoW, and not afford a $15 a month subscription. I imagine that the number is very, very low. I never once insinuated that F2P's are bad. I honestly think you're retarded because you're...
  18. Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    Most of the F2Ps that come to Twinkinfo more than likely have subbed accounts. The VAST majority of people you come in contact with, though? They have no active account. Regardless, a hunter with the best pre-heirloom gear can be MORE than competitive in the bracket and could get that gear in...
  19. Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    That's not even my mentality. 24s have an advantage, but these F2P kids crying about "getting steamrolled" just doesn't work anymore. Basically, if they have the option and ability to pay and don't, they need to stop crying about the injustice of the 20-24 bracket. Being 24 isn't that huge an...
  20. 19 tinks Remember When....

    -Rogues that used fiery (and it was really good) -Hunters dominating everything -WSG tabard was tough to obtain -Choosing between Defias Armor or Tunic of Westfall -Seeing a rogue with dual 15 agi enchants and then getting 2 shotted by him -Lifesteal and that beautiful purple glow -When 29s was...