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  1. Vent Your Frustrations II

    Had agi potion recipe drop while running DM on my feral. Lost need roll to the disc priest. Then he instantly left group, leaving us without a healer. Sad day.
  2. Legit WoD Alpha patch notes are up

    Right but the baseline resilience is also being removed (that's the stated goal although they said some may have to remain) so it's about a wash as far as effective health goes. I actually think the crit damage reduction to 150℅ will be more of a net gain for survivability than the stam/resil...
  3. Legit WoD Alpha patch notes are up

    Found this. Flametongue Weapon damage has been increased by 40%, and Lava Lash damage has been increased to 280% weapon damage (up from 140%) to compensate. That'll help
  4. Legit WoD Alpha patch notes are up

    People keep bringing up enh shamans and increased damage. Can somebody point me to that part in the notes? Because all I see is a searing totem buff (read: useless) and the removal of water shield (read: my primary shield). While I definitely think a damage buff is in order I don't see it in the...
  5. My New p2p 20 sham what do you guys thing

    Really good post Bop. Loved it! One thing to mention is you can swap shield and offhand while in combat so you aren't stuck with one or the other. Just be sure you don't need spirit from loom shield to hit cap before you swap.
  6. Why rage quit?

    Macro flowers before your vanish. You do not want to break stealth if they miss.
  7. Wrecking Ball - Druid help!

    I would say boomkin. While I do consider feral to be the slightly stronger spec, you have to put yourself in harm's way a lot to get kills. Also I would recommend taking the talent displacer beat as it is superior for escaping.
  8. [MOP] Dashas F2P Shaman Guide

    Re: Dashas F2P Shaman Guide Goesid is a huge fan of haste so I'm sure he'd say not to drop it. Myself, I'm not as big of a haste fan, but I do think crit is often over valued in the f2p community. So same answer, just different reasons. Having burst when you need it is just too good.
  9. Class summaries!

    I actually like the feral vs hunter matchup. It certainly doesn't favor the druid but they do have the tools to bring a hunter down. Can confirm warriors wreck feral though :(
  10. Complete Druid Guide

    reserved 6th
  11. Complete Druid Guide

    reserved 5th
  12. Complete Druid Guide

    4: Gaurdian A) Basics B) Pros/Cons C) Gear D) Matchups E) Vidoes
  13. Complete Druid Guide

    3: Resto A) Basics B) Pros/Cons C) Gear D) Matchups E) Vidoes
  14. Complete Druid Guide

    2: Balance A) Basics B) Pros/Cons C) Gear D) Matchups E) Vidoes
  15. Complete Druid Guide

    1: Feral Note: In many ways this will look like Arberian's guide. Go check it out. I have some minor differences of opinion and I've condensed some of the discussion from the comments on his guide into this one to make it easier to read. A) Basics Get savage roar up as soon as possible. If I'm...
  16. Complete Druid Guide

    1: IntroductionA) Purpose of this guide This guide started when I wanted to create a new druid. I wanted this druid to have BiS gear for all specs or as close to it as I could come. I needed a place to centralize all the information I had acquired and thus the guide was born. Hopefully this...
  17. EU+US Level 20 Resources

    re: Level Twenty Twinking - FAQ, Info and Guides Index Thanks for this.
  18. Level 20 Resources (F2P)

    re: Level Twenty Twinking - FAQ, Info and Guides Index Thanks for this.
  19. [MOP] Dashas F2P Shaman Guide

    Re: Dashas F2P Shaman Guide Nice guide. I appreciate the time you put into this.
  20. [MOP] Arberian021's Feral F2P Druid Guide

    Re: Arberian021's Feral F2P Druid Guide MoP Hi just wanted to say thanks for the guide. Had a question about shoulders. Since I can't get Shadowfang Spaulders (chose the wrong quest reward) what are your thoughts on Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders vs Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders? It's my...