Why rage quit?

Another reason could be... because there is nothing enjoyable about facing off against this type of comp (or certain others). I'm itching to bounce just looking at it. There's losing.... and then there's being in CoD while losing. Idk...

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I was in a ab the other day, with a warrior named ragequit, he didn't disappoint ;)
Why do you feel the need to write that every post you make?
Don't you have a signature at the end of your comments? I just type mine in at the end like you do in a formal mail. No reason to link my toons. If anyone is interested in them they can just look them up.

Sweetsidney ....
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The player, not the actual toon.

The one from US I know of even factioned changed.

oh ok, thought you ment the toon :)
Does anybody have a count of how many ex 19s have gone f2p?
Seeing how some ppl blame 19s for every bad thing happening in f2p, one could get the impression that the bulk of f2p players are ex 19s, pls enlighten me somebody, as this is just a theory.
Do you really think that 19's is a recent thing? I played 19's from late vanilla then into late BC. My 19 even went through the HK reset. I just don't need a big epeen like some people. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" is my motto.

Sweetsidney ...
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Don't you have a signature at the end of your comments? I just type mine in at the end like you do in a formal mail. No reason to link my toons. If anyone is interested in them they can just look them up.

Sweetsidney ....
Yeah, it's been bothering me too. I don't know why. Just pisses me off—like some people's stupid jerk faces—I guess. I'll chalk it up to cognative dissonance and call it a day then.

But who is this Sidney, and why is she/he sweet? Gah, it's killing me!
so for example
i just shouted at my computer fuck off 3 times in a row. not like "ugh fuck off", like screaming as loud as probably is possible for me, chest and lungs into it and all.
i was wsging whoever those guys on nazgrel were
same ng hunter killed me 3 times in a row in mid and there's basically nothing i could do (monk)

there are times when i say "I need to take a break" and I do.

and there was only 1 cap and yes we were still in that game. but, it is what it is.
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so for example
i just shouted at my computer fuck off 3 times in a row. not like "ugh fuck off", like screaming as loud as probably is possible for me, chest and lungs into it and all.
You need to take a few yoga classes for stress or you will be driven to an early grave.
Or you can always assume the lotus position.. AUM...... Aum.....
Just pixels guys... just pixels...


Are you sure he's angry, or just German? YOU WILL NOW PLAY WOW TO RELAX!!!
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