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  1. 49 Arms - Perfect Build

    uhm... Dark iron rings and Fire opal necks? of the tiger/bear/monkey are always a good option, especially when ure hit capped, and therefore can pass Blackstone Ring.
  2. new 19 bracket twink stuff! check it

    lawl, a 'Spit' macro binded under 'f' button zzzzzzzzzzzz :D
  3. WoW Beta Talents

    Mortal Strike = 200% weapon dmg. Back in those time Arcanite Reaper + MS = oneshotted clothie...
  4. /cry

    hahaha, like two weeks ago one huntard was attacking me on ab with that thing on his head, too bad i can't remember his name :D. As for the pendulum with sunfire - it probably looks KEWL, cmon!!!! lol
  5. Elemental Shaman - 3.1

    Good to know that! So for me - Earth grasp = wasted talent points :/
  6. Elemental Shaman - 3.1

    hmm.. IMO LW is not that good for ele shaman as the Green Dragonscale Pants wil be pretty cool in 3.1. I am currently in a process of levelling my 'ol 29 shaman for some 49 ele pew pew, and the profs i will take are 375 mining (done), and jewelcrafting (for this, and this mainly)...
  7. 49 Disc Priest

    /offtop Abut the Freezing Band - is it that bad? Dropped for me yesterday it BRD, when i was farming coffes, and i wonder what to do with it - sell it or use on one of my future caster twinks? Is it useful, or just a free 150g on AH?
  8. Anybody else..

    Oh! You are right levelling 70-80 was great fun. Only part of Wotlk that is simply well made.
  9. Anybody else..

    IMO the only good things in TBC (for lvl 70 chars) were: 1. Arena season 1 (the most class-ballanced one). 2. Sunwell (it was a very complex and difficult instance - Muru prenerf and KJ were two of the most intensive pve fights that I ever experienced in this game - and I killed those two...
  10. Hooray for casters!

    Good change - the SP bonus was so drastically low - especially on Devout Aurastone Hammer. And whats more the lvl itemization was a complete trash. 3.1 becomes legendary man.
  11. 29 dagger rogue ideal dps spec

    IMO - dagger spec is for high burst - instagibbing flag carriers, healers, b4 day can actually react - not for constant DPS. And 16/0/4 is an ideal spec for this. And this is not a stupid comment, this is my opinion. You will never be hid capped on your oh, high hit is only needed in raid...
  12. Ambassador

    I belive it is only possible in 40-49 bracket. I got Ambassador on my warr, lvl 46 now.
  13. 3.1 going live tuesday ?

    There are too many things to test in Ulduar. Downloader is always available earlier. And still on official PTR forums ppl are still posting many bugs in every build they introduce to us. IMO 3 weeks maybe or even more. Enough time for me to prepare some new chars for twinking on 3.1.
  14. How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

    Gave up after 148 runs for 'of the monkey' ones ;)
  15. mmo-champion - Glyph of the Monkey has been removed.

    Hahahaha :D. Anyway - anyone who thinks that glyph, with the amount of cc that hunter has this days in higher brackets, and the mobility in 19, was not overpowered - should roll a hunter and TRY TO ACTUALLY DIE! (pls don't do this! no moer hunters pls:D). That change made meh happy.
  16. Unbinding a Shadowfang...

    GM can 'un-equip' and item for You up to three days after equipping it. This is the official rule. Tried to do this - GM said 'more than 3 days - sorry'.
  17. Unbinding a Shadowfang...

    True. Tried it long time ago. Patches - yes. Soulbound,equipped items - noes. EOS.
  18. Unbinding a Shadowfang...

    So how u can explain, the item is still soulbound after logging out? zzzzzz
  19. Leg Kits, Shoulder Enchants, & Professions nerfed?

    +100 hp is the only enchant that has a level requirement on 3.1 PTR. Other enchants are still the same, without lvl (not ilvl) requirement.
  20. 29 Twink Rogue Guide

    Ranged: Naga Heartpiercer Wrist: Bands of Serra'kis In 3.1 the best bracers will be Barbaric Bracers, and the best pants Triprunner Dungarees. A very good guide.