49 Arms - Perfect Build

49 Arms/Fury/Prot - Perfect Builds

Since warriors, along with paladins, are now the dominating class at 49, I decided to make a guide for Juggernaut/Taste for Blood spec. Or Fury, because I'm really bored when we are deciding what wing we do after Arachnid in Naxx, so writing the guide. Or even Prot!

Arms spec:WoWHead, you can swap 2 points from Two-Handed Weap Spec into 2% crit in Fury tree, up to you. I like more 4% damage than 2% crit.

Fury spec: WoWHead.

Prot spec: WoWHead.


Green for enchants, purple for where you get that item from - event, vendor, reward, quest, drop, etc.

Head: Bloomsprout Headpiece [Meshlok the Harvester]

Neck: Medal of Courage [The Lost Tablets of Will] (Alliance)/Woven Ivy Necklace[Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions](Horde) / Fire Opal Necklace [Relic Coffer] (Hardcore people)

Shoulders: Polished Spaulders of Valor[BoA vendor](For twinks with 80 mains)/Earthslag Shoulders[World Drop]

Back: Grovekeeper's Drape (+12 Agility) [Celebras the Cursed]

Chest: Hydralick Armor(+6 Stats) [World Drop] / Spiderfang Carapace (+6 Stats) [Hedrum the Creeper]

Wrist: Berserker Bracers(+12 Str) [WSG Reward]

Hands: Vice Grips of Bear(+15 Str) [Antu'Sul]

Waist: Highlander's Plate Girdle [AB Reward]

Legs: Elemental Rockridge Leggings [Princess Theradras]

Feet: Highlander's Plate Greaves(+10 Hit +10 Crit) [AB Reward]

Ring1: Aquamarine Signet of the Bear 8/7 [JC Craft]

Ring2: Blackstone Ring[Princess Theradras]

Trinket1: High-Powered Flashlight[Engineering Craft](Alliance) /Rune of the Guard Captain[Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village](Horde)

Trinket2: PVP Insignia[Your Faction Quartermaster]/AGM[STV Arena Event] if you are human.


Weapon: Bloodied Arcanite Reaper(Crusader)[BoA Vendor](For twinks with 80 mains)/Executioner's Cleaver(+70 AP)[World Drop]

Ranged: Thorium Flight Blade (Alliance)[A Future Task]/Whirling Steel Axes (Horde) [BC Craft]


MH: Ribsplitter of the Bear(Crusader)[World Drop]

OH: Ribsplitter of the Bear(+20 Strength)[World Drop]

Ranged: Thorium Flight Blade (Alliance)[A Future Task]/Whirling Steel Axes (Horde) [BC Craft]


MH : Ribsplitter of the Bear (Crusader) [World Drop]

OH : Wall of the Dead (+18 Stamina) [World Drop]

Ranged: Thorium Flight Blade (Alliance)[A Future Task]/Whirling Steel Axes (Horde) [BC Craft]

Rotation after Charging:


Kiters: Hamstring, Rend, MS, Overpower, repeat.

Non-kiters: Rend, Overpower, MS(cannot do it before OP because not enough rage) Hamstring (if you feel you need it).


Kiters: Hamstring, Switch Berserker Stance, Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, repeat.

Non-kiters: Switch Berserker Stance, Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Hamstring (if you feel you need it).


Kiters: Dazling Howl, Switch Defensive Stance, Concussion Blow, Shield Slam, then situational.

Non-kiters: Switch Defensive Stance, Concussion Blow, Shield Slam, Dazling Howl (if you feel you need it), then situational.


Human: The best race for Warriors IMO. Get out of that CC each 2 minutes and free up a slot for AGM + see these pesky rogues.

Dwarf: Worst race for Warriors. The only good thing is to remove that Rend or Cripp Poison. (which will be re-applied instantly)

Gnome: A rather nice race if you are having trouble with snares and slows. No bonuses if you get Engineering.

Night Elf: Stealth > Charge is always nice. The 2% miss chance for your enemies will get a miss even against hit-capped characters.

Draenei: The racial HoT is nice to add with Second Wind.

Orc: I'd say the second best race after Humans. The racial adds some nice burst.

: Not a good choice, considering Warriors already have Berserker Rage with it's small 30 sec CD to help against fears.

Trolls: The racials don't help Warriors much. They can be helpful sometimes, but I wouldn't make a Troll warrior.

Tauren: 2 sec Stun can help you to get a tick of a Bandage or get the distance to Charge. 5% more health is always welcome.

Blood Elfs: 2 sec Silence can help you shut down these pesky casters.


: I always choose that for the Grenades, Bombs and Trinkets. They help a shitload more than that Skinning or Mining.

Blacksmithing: The only thing you can get here is some BoP Armosmith legs, but they are still worse than the ones from Mara.

Alchemy: Mixology won't help you in arenas, I wouldnt't get that prof.

Tailoring: Netherweave Net is not worth it.

Leatherworking: Bleh.

Skinning: I'd take Engineering and Herbalism.

Mining: What I said above.

Herbalism: What I said above.
uhm... Dark iron rings and Fire opal necks? of the tiger/bear/monkey are always a good option, especially when ure hit capped, and therefore can pass Blackstone Ring.
well if ur alliance with arms spec u wont be hit capped w/o blackstone ring, and the brd rings/neck are insane to farm; only for the really hardcore imo. Edit: you can get hit capped with spiderfang chest, surefooted, and flashlight&drop the blackstone ring. but have fun in BRD getting the ring you actually want...also i use hydralick instead of spider anyways

also for tanking/prot spec, viking warhammer is pure win. stam&strength ftw, also could get axe of rinji if u want sta/agil

over all great starter list and people can min/max where ever else they want, but its solid.

http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#LcbGbfct0brRzMZ0b:szZM 38/2 spec that i roll with and love
Falkor said:
and the brd rings/neck are insane to farm; only for the really hardcore imo.

The necks are still best in slot assuming you're lucky with aspects and get tiger/bear variants, so they should be taken into account!
Thrash Blade - awesome proc and 2.70 speed make it better (more crusader procs and higher MS damage, even if you will be using it much less while FCing).

Also edited to add in the neck.
I would probably add the other two weapons possibilities (Kang and EC). Just because not everyone can get BAR. (this isn't an invitation to start the Kang/BAR/EC fiasco... there's a thread in the 49s for that :p)
Falkor said:

i cant even fathom passing up imp charge if you have juggernaut.

my spec: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#LVMIddht0bMRzr:szZM

i have an affinity for static damage increases rather than bleeds, so i passed up a lot of talents most people take

also: ribsplitters are the best 1h weapons if you took poleaxe spec. thrash blade is best w/ sword spec, viking warhammer is best w/ mace spec
Powerglove said:
i cant even fathom passing up imp charge if you have juggernaut.

my spec: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#LVMIddht0bMRzr:szZM

i have an affinity for static damage increases rather than bleeds, so i passed up a lot of talents most people take

also: ribsplitters are the best 1h weapons if you took poleaxe spec. thrash blade is best w/ sword spec, viking warhammer is best w/ mace spec

Thanks, edited, but since the best 2Hs are Axes, I don't think people will take other spec in talents.
Powerglove said:
i cant even fathom passing up imp charge if you have juggernaut.

my spec: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#LVMIddht0bMRzr:szZM

i have an affinity for static damage increases rather than bleeds, so i passed up a lot of talents most people take

also: ribsplitters are the best 1h weapons if you took poleaxe spec. thrash blade is best w/ sword spec, viking warhammer is best w/ mace spec

im charge doesnt impress me. i get enough rage charging in +white hit or blood rage to get MS and whatever i want afterwards. for FC the weapon doesnt really matter but viking has the sta and strength, and rinji has sta and agility which i prefer over a thrash blade w/ no stats and ribsplitters are also great, but less sta.

but raptor i wouldnt just go out and say axes are the best 2h. sword spec is nice with stoneslayer or another good sword, and a mace isnt bad even w/o the stun; armor pen is pretty tight
Falkor said:
im charge doesnt impress me. i get enough rage charging in +white hit or blood rage to get MS and whatever i want afterwards. for FC the weapon doesnt really matter but viking has the sta and strength, and rinji has sta and agility which i prefer over a thrash blade w/ no stats and ribsplitters are also great, but less sta.

but raptor i wouldnt just go out and say axes are the best 2h. sword spec is nice with stoneslayer or another good sword, and a mace isnt bad even w/o the stun; armor pen is pretty tight

So unless you have Bloodrage, you cannot MS straight after charging; auto-attack doesn't generate 15 rage iirc. 10 additional charge is always an additional hamstring, rend, demo shout or intercept, which ain't bad. You will be getting that 10 rage every 12 secs, don't think it is bad. (generates ~0.8rage/second, better than that 1rage/3secs).

As a FC it's not excluded that you will be fighting someone 1v1 - and Ribsplitter beats any other weapon while 1v1ing. Bear gives 7 Sta against Vikings' 11, not a big change.

Stoneslayer isn't such a good weapon. Crap proc that happens once in eternity, low top end damage (Executioner's top end is 205 considering the STR, and taking in that BAR is better than Exe, BAR is by far better than Stoneslayer). Axe spec is just much better than Sword - getting 5% more crits with 5% increased damage is just better than 5% more white attacks .
Can anyone move this into the not-user-submitted guides or something? =P since I think its really nice now.
Very usefull guide for me since i will probably make a 49 twink out of my warrior (made too many mistakes as 39) and MS is pure win :>
Also added Fury build if anyone doesn't want to be the cookiecutter Arms or got enough gold to get dual spec for their twinks.
I apologize for resurrecting an old thread, but after constant searching, I have not found an answer to my question. I'm making a 49 twink warrior, and I have kang and exec. I want to put sader on one and savagery on the other, using the sader axe until it procs, then switching to the savagery one. From what I've read it seems that having sader on kang and then savagery on exec I'd get the best results. Is this true? I want to hear what some of the great warriors on this forum have to say.

also, I think I'm set on using spiderfang, but should I reconsider hydralick?
Imo, if you're paying attention to when something like Crusader procs, you're probably not paying attention to what your enemy and/or your surroundings are.
Those weapons are going to be really... interesting to swap out. You'd likely want to cap hit with the kang up, so youd be far overcapp'd with Executioners.

You're probably better off going Cru on Exe and Sav on Kang, simply because the proc on kang is added burst.

As long as you're capped hit with your first weapon, you can afford to have a small miss chance once youve swapped to the second, so, again, Exe seems a better Cru+1st weapon. Plus, because of the slower speed, Exe will have a higher % to proc Cru on instants.

It's entirely possible to cap hit without using a flashlight OR Exe OR Spiderfang. Lots of ways to do it. As long as you have the hit cap, all three chests available for 49 warriors are awesome choices.

(Hydraulick, Spiderfang, and the much-overlooked [item]Honorguard Chestpiece[/item].)

And, as Taitaih said, it will be difficult to get that switch going. But once its 2nd nature, its going to be worth it.
darzk said:
Those weapons are going to be really... interesting to swap out. You'd likely want to cap hit with the kang up, so youd be far overcapp'd with Executioners.

You're probably better off going Cru on Exe and Sav on Kang, simply because the proc on kang is added burst.

As long as you're capped hit with your first weapon, you can afford to have a small miss chance once youve swapped to the second, so, again, Exe seems a better Cru+1st weapon. Plus, because of the slower speed, Exe will have a higher % to proc Cru on instants.

It's entirely possible to cap hit without using a flashlight OR Exe OR Spiderfang. Lots of ways to do it. As long as you have the hit cap, all three chests available for 49 warriors are awesome choices.

(Hydraulick, Spiderfang, and the much-overlooked [item]Honorguard Chestpiece[/item].)

And, as Taitaih said, it will be difficult to get that switch going. But once its 2nd nature, its going to be worth it.

well, to be honest, I already have it second nature due to having that set up on my 39 ret pally. sader on pacifier (4.0 speed) and switch to lumbering with savagery when it procs. I have it set to shift scroll up for lumbering, and shift scroll down for pacifier. its really not that hard, i do lose about 1 second of swing with the switch. but it has great results, especially when zerking. I can get up to 150 dps (not a great measuring stick, but still) with those three going.

you're probably right though about exec. I just don't want to mess up and have to change it later, i'm not exactly rich =P. so I'm guessing I could be hit capped with spiderfang, guardcaptain, surefooted, and exec, right? I'd have to get blackstone ring if I put sader on kang, basically, and be overcapped when i switch. though with blackstone i could be overcapped at 50 before switching, and be capped at 40 when switching. that's at the expense of 6 agility that I could get through legionnaire.

I also have wyrmslayer spaulder, which I plan on using instead of earthslag, simply because they look much better =P. how bad of idea is this?

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