Search results

  1. Açaí

    Most skilled players of each class in 5.2

    Dawh, too bad I haven't really "played" since MoP. Hi. PS: You might see me around this summer.
  2. Açaí

    RIP Aerie Peak Horde

    Come veterans, elders Please heed the call Don’t backpeddle to a server Don’t add to the fall For a noob that gets hurt Will soon uninstall There’s a battle amongst us And it is ragin’ It will break your mice And build your nostalgia For the times they are a-changin’.
  3. Açaí

    Link a BiS Balance Driud's Armory Plz

    I might play a game here or there.
  4. Açaí

    Link a BiS Balance Driud's Armory Plz

    The druid in my signature uses a slight variation of BiS items (used leather BiSs for mog; got to kill in style).
  5. Açaí

    Hey guys, how's f2p going with MoP?

    Hey Zaxxo and all the oldies still loitering around =D Decided to play a game after a 5 month hiatus. Not much has changed, eh? Still faceroll easy, especially after GW2 pvp and LoL awareness. Hope everyone has been well. I wouldn't mind to play a few games with some old friend in the near...
  6. Açaí

    Hi, hello, how are you?

    @ Everyone: Its nice to see many of the old crew still lurks these waters! =) @ The Skypers: I will definitely try to log onto Skype regularly so i can shoot the shit with all of you. I would very much like to play a few games on my druid with some of you soon, troll some baddies =D For old...
  7. Açaí

    Hi, hello, how are you?

    Hey guys, was wondering how things have been going? Nothing ground-breaking or mind-shattering I assume. I'd like to hear from some old friends =( I really only communicate with Salfir via GW2 on a daily basis. Which btw, GW2 is still doing well. After 300 hours of play, I am still drawn into...
  8. Açaí

    Guild Wars 2

    Happy Halloween! The Mad King Awaits - by Açai (Carved while drunk with only a pocket knife; my interpretation of the Mad King) The Hallowed Realm drew once a near, Where the fabric of time shed not a tear, As the Mad King tore off its limbs, Seeking revenge against his kins. Black befell...
  9. Açaí

    Guild Wars 2 F2P Character List

    Thanks for letting me know about the links. Hope to see you in game.
  10. Açaí

    Guild Wars 2 F2P Character List

    Congrats on 80, I'll be on tonight. I finally am done my midterms.
  11. Açaí

    What's your modified BG win ratio?

    Haha, lie about what? I said I GY farmed on my Druid to get my BoAs. GY farming happens both in AB and WSG. You are just sour that I destroyed your formula. Only reason I posted here in the first place was to totally delegitimize your ideas so as to shield new/gullible players into taking...
  12. Açaí

    What's your modified BG win ratio?

    No, I won't lie. I GY farmed the shit out of my druid because i wanted my BoAs; I got them in roughly 2 weeks, I believe - summer time fun project. Then I stopped, but quite a few 100+ HK games inflate stats. And that has nothing to do with your statistics. EDIT: You touched on them later, but...
  13. Açaí

    What's your modified BG win ratio?

    I was insulting your statistical skills because the basic assumptions were flawed. 1. Win ratios reflect a general adherence of a collective body of individuals to complete a task. One may sway the tide a decent amount, but by no means can this data alone be a predictor of "skill" its merely a...
  14. Açaí

    What's your modified BG win ratio?

    Take a stat course.
  15. Açaí

    Thanks for everything, and goodbye :)

    It's sad to see more people (like myself, and countless others) fall from free to play, but change is a necessity... See you in Tyria man! haha.
  16. Açaí

    Guild Wars 2 F2P Character List

    Yeah, we need more people! And for those of you wondering where I have gone: Organic Chemistry & Genetics = my last two weeks.
  17. Açaí

    Guild Wars 2 F2P Character List

    It suits you well =) Events do get harder, but yes they are zergy; however, dungeons are not. They require the PvE skill needed more so than WoW. I have multiple weapons and I also change different skills depending on what I want to do. Different skills are suited for different activities...
  18. Açaí

    Guild Wars 2 F2P Character List

    There is sooo much to do! I find it hard you are bored, Purse. Only reason I can see is the lack of people you know, but more are trickling in =)
  19. Açaí

    A goodbye from Dankfury

    Its always sad to see someone escape from the abyss. =P Take care Dank and you should try out Guild Wars 2; we would gladly take you in!