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  1. WoW 20th Anniversary Event Update!

    WoW 20th Anniversary Event Update! Looks like we're getting updated sets and items for the 20th Anniversary this year! New Events!!!: Blackrock Depths will return as a 10-15 man Raid (LFR, Normal, Heroic) Return to the Gates of Ahn'Quiraj Anniversary Event available (Starting at level 15)...
  2. Twentified 11.0 PTR Patch Notes - Release Date: July 23rd

    The War Within Pre-Expansion PTR Development Notes Release: July 23rd, 2024 Hi guys, long time no see! With the expansion right around the corner, I just wanted to gloss over some of the major changes happening in a few weeks. If you feel like something was missed and should be added, feel free...
  3. Twentified 10.2.5 Patch Notes

    Twentified Dragonflght: Seeds of Renewal 10.2.5 Notes - (Release Date: Jan. 16th) Major Non-20 additions: Old World Dragonriding (lvl 30), Outland Cup (lvl 30), Azerothian Archives (lvl ??), Follower Dungeons (lvl 60), Reclaiming Gilneas (lvl 70), Bel'ameth - new Night Elf settlement (lvl 70)...
  4. The End of an Era, the end of Gobby Kotick Today is the end of an era, the end of the one true Acti-Blizzard goblord. His notable achievements included the whole Sex Scandal/harassment lawsuit...
  5. Twentified Patch 10.20 Update Development Notes

    Twentified Dragonflight: Guardians of the Dream 10.2 Update Development Notes CHARACTERS New! Updated model and customizations for Moonkins. 4 new hair colors for Blood Elf. CLASSES DEMON HUNTER Sigil of Flame is now baseline. Chaos Nova has been added to talent tree. Sigil of Misery has...
  6. Which Gear Can Upgrade?: DF Edition

    This will be an updated list of what can proc for DF (prev. Which gear can upgrade?), feel free to comment if I missed anything. Dungeon Drops Socket Tertiary Warforge Vanilla/TBC/WotLK/MoP/Legion/BFA/SL X* X ** WoD X X X Quest Rewards Socket Tertiary Warforge...
  7. Microsoft set to acquire Activision Blizzard after FTC Battle Victory

    If you haven't heard already, Microsoft was able have the FTC's objection to the merger struck down by a federal judge. (CNBC) This means that Microsoft is pretty much clear to merge with Acti-Blizz, but they will still have to negotiate or make special provisions with the UK's Competition and...
  8. Simplified PTR 10.1.5 Patch Notes for 20s

    World of Warcraft Version 10.1.5 PTR – Fractures in Time Well, I guess since Conzil didn't announce anything today, I'll put out some simplified news for 20s. The next PTR is setup to expand Warlock pet customizations, and fixing Chromie time, as well as removing most restrictions. Other...
  9. Evokers get a Third Spec...

    And it's not a tank. It's a massive disappointment. Remember back when people were screaming about adding High Elves to the game and we got Void Elves? Well, this time everyone wanted a Tank Spec for Evokers and we get 2 DPS specs instead. I guess the real kicker is that the current DPS spec...
  10. [Addon] Warforged Tracker [1.01 Bugfixes]

    Warforged Tracker Pretty late into the expac, but been getting pretty bored, so decided to tinker a bit with an addon to keep track of all the warforged gear automatically, and display some helpful statistics. Mildly bugtested so most of the functionality should be working...
  11. Level 1 - 70 in 80 minutes (WR) by Shiekrunner

    I guess while all the Cobalt boosters are going on, people have been sleeping on the real powerleveleling strat: abusing a micro-holiday that most people don't care about
  12. Twentified Patch 10.0.05 PTR Notes

    TWENTIFIED DRAGONFLIGHT 10.0.5 PTR DEVELOPMENT NOTES NEW FEATURE: TRADING POST A new feature is making its way to World of Warcraft — the Trading Post! Complete monthly activities to earn currency toward decking out your characters in cosmetic transmogs, pets, and mounts— with new items and...
  13. List of Quests That Can Proc Epic (ilvl 87)

    This is not fully tested, but any corrections/additions are welcome. Quests marked as Green, reward a green, but can upgrade to a blue ilvl 61, and double upgrade to an epic ilvl 87. Quests marked as Blue, will grant a guaranteed a blue ilvl 61, and have a chance to upgrade to an epic ilvl 87...
  14. 20-29 Simplified Guide to Dragonflight Pre-patch for F2P/Vets

    Simplified Guide to Dragonflight Pre-patch (10.0) This is just a brief overview of the major points of the Pre-patch, as well as an introduction to the Invasion Pre-patch event. There is no definite date for item scaling, but if I had to guess, it will likely happen at launch. There will also be...
  15. PTR Dragonflight Intro Quest and Elemental Invasions available on PTR from 10/14 to 10/16, starts 10 AM Looks like testing for the Dragonflight Intro quest and some pre-patch events begins tomorrow on PTR from 10/14 to 10/16. Starts at 10 AM PDT. Should work for everyone with a previous sub on...
  16. Shadowlands + Level 50 Boost is Free for Previous Expac Owners (Until Sept 5th.) Looks like Blizzard is pretty much giving away Shadowlands ahead of the Dragonflight release to all players who have previously bought an expansion. A semi-unprecedented move, because they have given players...
  17. Exp-off and Exp-on Players will not be separated in Wrath Classic BGs

    Source: Semi-fresh news straight from Blizzard's mouth: Apparently, this news has been received with mixed reactions, with some saying that twinks ruin low level pvp. I, for one, am happy that all the people...
  18. Tower of Fantasy - Anime MMO

    Looks like a new anime weeb fantasy waifu/husbando-collecting MMO released today at 5 PM PST called Tower of Fantasy. It's kinda a rip-off of Genshin Impact, but with more open spaces with other players. Definitely doesn't look as polished as Genshin Impact, but it's cross-platform as well...
  19. GF'ed Cosmetic Helmets available as Amazon Gaming/Prime Reward

    Cosmetic Cash Shop MoP Helmets make a return as Amazon Gaming Reward The 3 cash shop helmets originally made available on the Blizzard cash shop back in MoP are now available for free on the Amazon Gaming Loot website (does require Amazon Prime/Gaming subscription). Link...
  20. Dragonflight Expansion slated for Dec. 2022 Release Date, Pre-Orders Available

    Dragonflight Expansion Now Available for Pre-Order (rel. Dec 2022) Looks like the expansion is finally getting an Official-ish release date of December 2022, this year. Pre-orders available here: Collector's edition here...