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  1. Vail

    Arena Server

    An interesting idea, but the largest problem I can foresee is that, if you already have trouble making arena teams on AP, how is going off-realm going to be any better? You would just be diminishing the pool of possible players... Also, unless I missed something, if people aren't going to...
  2. Vail

    RIP Aerie Peak Horde

    Quite to the contrary, sacrificing ones own time and energy in order to trap a 24 premade in a game where (I would hope) everyone has stopped rezing, or is hidden, is a most noble cause that I truly wish more would aspire to.
  3. Vail

    RIP Aerie Peak Horde

    A bold statement. I would liked to have heard the conversation you had with that 24 lol. I fear most players will not understand your position on the matter, and as in the scenario you described, will seek to gain "honor" though the easiest means possible. Even if it is through less-than...
  4. Vail

    Confirmed 5.3 info for F2Ps

    Was reading something about a change to bonus dungeon loot... Is that just at the higher levels or will it affect f2p also? Would be really nice to be able to set what I get from satchels of loot based on my spec.
  5. Vail

    How's your luck today with Fishing Contest? (Just came here to boast)

    I won the ring today on Aerie Peak, playing fair I might add! Yea you heard me you realm jumping cheaters! Botstomper @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
  6. Vail

    "Useful Hunter Pets for CC."

    Outside of interrupting casters, I like birds of prey ... only disarm (10 sec) in the 20 bracket, along with the voidwalker's spell. You disarm another hunter, he could have 2 wasps out at once, and it still won't save him.
  7. Vail

    Fael dusn't play awenas anymow

    Re: R.I.P in peace Fael(as we knew him). Doubt he left just because he lost one game of 2s lol
  8. Vail

    Video Upload of the Battle for Southshore!

    Heard a lot of people saying the Hoard cheated; high level dk helping them, 3 to 1 odds, using guards as shields etc.
  9. Vail

    Battleground Troll..

    I'd like to see some proof before we start burning witches... maybe a screen shot or something? THEN we can put them on the f2p-most-wanted / hit list.
  10. Vail

    Quality of Customer Service.

    I've come to find, with GMs, really depends on the whim of who is answering the ticket... They tend to give very different responses in my experience. I've had GMs transfer items from my p2p to my f2p twice before, (telling them upfront that it was an f2p) but many times they refuse to do so...
  11. Vail

    Changing To Vashj

    I don't get why you would give them a made up email. I've got one I use for personal stuff, and another for fun stuff like wow... Calling them would be your best bet. Worst case scenario they don't believe it's yours... ... and then they call the feds to break down your doors and have you...
  12. Vail

    Arathi Basin. Commence Discussion.

    That's some bad luck right there... or have they finally figured out how to premade?
  13. Vail

    Visting Memorials. Hidden Areas and other forgotten places

    How bout the areas like Twilight Grove? That's the middle area in Duskwood with all the night elf architecture.
  14. Vail

    Arathi Basin. Commence Discussion.

    108 games of AB played, 91 AB Wins - GO ALLIANCE!! Now... if we could just do something about wsg...
  15. Vail

    (Aerie Peak US) is it worth it?

    Should join ap alliance. It's a lot easier to get the agm, but if you are coming from a f2p-dead-server, then that probably doesn't mean much to you... yet.
  16. Vail

    Spewfeel's Prot warrior guide and FC gearing guide

    Should have stayed with the same voice at the start... would have confused everyone lol. Regarding your weapon-juggling-execute macro, in addition to causing a gcd, it also resets your auto-attack. Ei: weapon with a 3 sec attack speed will take a full 3 sec for it to attack. Just pointing it...
  17. Vail

    End to Multiboxing?

    I take it you don't find it interesting that a person could overcome their own physical limitation, and in some cases preform better than those who are not so impaired? Pushing one's limits and finding new ways to play sounds like fun to me... I'd make a comparison between people aiming to fly...