Damn thats some dedication to the grind.
Managed about 40 runs on my shammy, got a decent amount but dont have the stats down like you do.
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I offered 10k per run in trade chat and got nothing, saw the same post which is why im trying to grind it, hopefully can get some more before it changes.
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Ive done the 4th way so far but only for a couple runs. Need to find someone that can boost me as dungeon finder never pops for ToC.
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Hey, so as i said before in my previous post a couple days ago, im back to twinking again and alot has changed.
Been playing on a shaman and having a really good time with it. But there is some things im unsure of
Firstly what professions should i take, i have engineering already but no second...
Interesting, i think il focus on getting epics for now. Been working on sets that still work, like spellfire, spellstrike etc.
But dungeon farming is nice to do between quest/rep/money grinding.
Dont suppose you know if anyone has made a list of gear for 29 mage or is just most gear from wod...
Didnt realise the wotlk dungeons were good, been doing wayrest manor for ring and trinket set and the balefire trinket.
Currently in wod, just got a blue armored elekk tusk, assume can do again for attempt at purple upgrade?
Dont mind doing a bit of grinding, gives something to do between...
I have a 29 i locked yesterday but remembered about my druid so think il keep him 25 for now and play my new one, hoping to try fire mage, i know arcane op but fire was always more fun
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Hey, been out the twink game for majority of last two expansions but looking to get back into it, this is my old 60 twink, now 25.
Wandering if worth leveling to 29 or keep at 25.
If worth leveling to 29, what would be some...
Hey so im sure this question has been asked loads but ima ask again cause why not
Im looking at returning to the game and get back into twinking. Havent played aince start of SL and havent twinked since squish.
I had a 60, 70 and 80. Which is now 25, 27 and 30?
Ild rather play my 25(60) but...
Was doing dungeons yesterday as boomkin with a ww monk, i was pushing 300-400 dps and about 700 aoe while a monk was pushing 600+ with nearly 1k aoe. The monks a little bit more geared than me but not alot. Made me feel very weak
Hey so just hit 60 on my druid last night and still gearing, currently 4/7 on socket gear obtained.
What's better overall for dps, balance or feral? Currently running balance as my gear is int/crit socketed for healing but feel weak.
Outside socket gear, what would you all reccomend i get for...
Hey so got a silvermoon chest of the aurora, level 60, ilvl 72.
Is this worth anything to 60 twinks?
Ilvl wise seems good but not sure about stats.
Been tempted to make a 60 so not sure if to keep, sell or give away
Hey, wandering if anyone knows of any gear that scales to epic for a rogue. Currently aware of two, boarhide leggings and talon of vultros.
I know quest gear can upgrade but that's pot luck, also aware i started late for epics, should of done during av event for a few epics.
Looking to...
Only done a couple bgs, i like to dot everything in big fights but dosent happen to often. Tempted to go vers and haste for faster casts and dots and defensive.
Not after a set to copy paste just to see whats recommend then adjust to my playstyle once im use to playing
Hey so recently decided to try 29s after bumping into one yesterday. Hit 29 last night and so far ive bought a few bits off ah and leveled engi for green lens.
Plan to level alchemy for flask.
Outside of bg blues, is there a place to farm for better gear? Or does anyone have a bis list?
Hey not sure of worth it but https://www.wowhead.com/item-set=667/the-twin-stars can be scaled to 80 now so may be useful for neck and ring slot. Mainly curious if its any good at 80 but hoping its good for you