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  1. Syphilis

    F2P MoP F2P Hunter Guide

    If your like me and like to switch pets out constantly for some variety or depending on the setups your playing, this macro might be useful. Has as many pet abilities macro'ed into it as I could fit. The icon also changes for whatever pet you have out. #showtooltip [pet:Monkey] Bad Manner...
  2. Syphilis

    Need some data. Please contribute

    Armory link - Race - Troll WSG played - 79 WSG won - 38 WSG honor kills - 2676 WSG deaths - 103 AB played - 93 AB won - 56 AB honor kills - 2841 AB deaths - 89 WSG flag caps - 18 WSG flag returns - 31 Do you afk out of losing...
  3. Syphilis

    A Look Back .....

    Ahhh remember doing semi-decent arenas with no communication. Man some people are just 100% on the same page with you and synergize so well.... Some wpvp 40 v 55.. LOL Rp battles vs. other faction
  4. Syphilis

    A Look Back .....

    Nice ones so far, keep them coming.
  5. Syphilis

    A Look Back .....

    So I recently repaired a computer I had 2-3 years ago, and was surprised to see all the screenshots and even a few fraps vids of myself. I was looking through them and cringed. It was some nice insight to see how many mistakes and wrong strats i had in arena. Its amazing to look back and think...
  6. Syphilis

    I hate your guts, CRZ

    Ummm i prefer "grape drank"
  7. Syphilis

    I hate your guts, CRZ

    Well lets be honest all alliance healers basically get a free easy BiS helm besides priest, so they do have a point. Also not denying the validity of his comments, it just a bit funny that all the recent post ive seen by him have had the same premise.
  8. Syphilis

    I hate your guts, CRZ

    Damn, I swear every one of your post I see is about bashing WoW and upping Guild Wars 2 ..... But on topic they need to fix CRZ i need my fishing hat on my pally :( Could use the heirloom ring on druid as well. Hope they get this CRZ fixed asap
  9. Syphilis

    F2P moments, told by GIFS!

    2v1 3v1 4v1 you name it.........
  10. Syphilis

    Whos not making a Panda?

    You have to remember I've gotten it on almost all my twink which are casters not to mention 26+ AGMS between my toons. Yea that was one instance but you have to take into account my other toons and that time. Don't be a hater congratulate people, my drop rate or happiness or w/e doesn't...
  11. Syphilis

    Whos not making a Panda?

    Well to be honest i hate alliance que times so figured id make a replacement shaman horde side while checking out the new race. Apparently hitting 2 birds with one stone wasn't a good idea. And as to the question of xmog that had no effect, im simply talking about casting animation, emotes heck...
  12. Syphilis

    Whos not making a Panda?

    Syphílis @ The Venture Co - Community - World of Warcraft ^ Made a panda just to experience the first quest area. Turned him to a semi twink and picked up magicians mantle and 9/12 agm before realizing the animations made me want to vomit.
  13. Syphilis

    Argas ring quest fixed for horde

    Logged on to create a thread but looks like one is up already. Heres some screenies as proof guys
  14. Syphilis

    Field Awareness, #WSG

    Having the field of vision to be able to notice flag carriers and cut them off before they get to backup or just noticing them at all takes a bit of effort. Many players especially new ones would prefer the option of just tunneling damage midfield. I feel there is a difference from people who...
  15. Syphilis

    reporting undergeareds afk

    On a side note, its hilarious when your team is being farmed and all but you afk out. Then you end up with some all star team that comes back from a 2-0 farm fest to win = ) Edit: I pretty much report anyone afk if they are in gy for an extended period of time with no movement, hidden in a...
  16. Syphilis

    reporting undergeareds afk

    Reporting people afk that aren't and afking out of losing bgs are no no's in my book, but to each his own. Do whatever your moral compass tells you to do, or whatever you think will make this game more enjoyable for ya. Wether thats having a more solid team, steamrolling through pugs with a...
  17. Syphilis

    So What's the New Best Class?

    These type of post always make me sigh. And to whoever posted earlier there will always be those "twinks" who wants to find the strongest and easiest thing to play then roll through bgs, but many twinks including myself twink because we don't want to be on the hamster wheel of re-gearing every...
  18. Syphilis

    Show us your UI!

    Re: Show us your UI! Random screenshot from today and some years ago. Its funny now that i think about how many ui changes and revamps I have gone through..... Also used to be a lot of competition for AGM on my server hence the bodyguards had soem fun 30-50 man fights in there..... ohh the...
  19. Syphilis

    Resto FC gear

    Your best bet is probably Noble's Robe, Robe of Kelris or Je'neu's Robes for chest and Feline Mantle for shoulders. Possibly Shadowfang Spaulders if your in need of some pro roots. Personally id probably go with Robe of Kelris and Magicians Mantle, and use feline mantle as you farm for MM.
  20. Syphilis

    New to the bracket, just sayin wassup.

    Well if anyone is interested there about 2 f2p horde n 3 f2p ally on this server. Gurubashi arena is always clear if any1 is looking to reroll and get easy AGM's. Also thanks for the greetings =)