Field Awareness, #WSG

Having the field of vision to be able to notice flag carriers and cut them off before they get to backup or just noticing them at all takes a bit of effort. Many players especially new ones would prefer the option of just tunneling damage midfield. I feel there is a difference from people who don't notice and people that just don't care and would rather farm. Its happened to all of us throughout our playtime so don't point fingers just try and let peoepl know in bgchat or sometimes even /say if they are withitn distance because half the people dont even notice chat while fighting.

TLDR: It has happened to everyone before, just try and let people know by communication. ( Heck with druids the way they are even happened to me a few weeks ago, thought i had a few extra seconds to cc some heals and look over and efc is already near their zerker hut......)
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It's nice that some of you are making up excuses for ppl that are mostly being idiots,nothing more and nothing less.

Sure, sure there are those who are new to the game and we should advise them.......but it's so nice to faceroll your new FOTM class in the middle..............they simply can't help's not their fault baby mosquito going torwards the killing lamp and dying gangnam style......

Here is the problem with this game. Unless you are chasing 100%win ratio or something, there is no point to fight objectively. They dont give you an incentive to win or play objectively. I can be the loser but come out with double the honor just because I mid depred or farmed.
The only thing I see is people explaining the reasons / motivations why some people will never do what we want them to do. Some people enjoy bullying. Some people enjoy deathmatches. If I think bullies are disgusting I'm SoL; they won't change just cause I don't like them. Where did anyone "make excuses"?

Also what's everyone's fascination with that Gangnam style thing. -_-
Here is the problem with this game. Unless you are chasing 100%win ratio or something, there is no point to fight objectively. They dont give you an incentive to win or play objectively. I can be the loser but come out with double the honor just because I mid depred or farmed.
You care too much about honor dude. I have so much honor I don't know what to do with it. After you buy looms, honor is crap. What's the other incentive to farm honor? titles? bitch please

I play objectively because I happen to enjoy the game more that way. Killing shit at midfield is something I stopped finding fun a long time ago, now I just care more about winning.

I already know I can beat a lot of undergeared scrubs, there's no like satisfaction in doing it. Wtf am I trying to accomplish there? But I don't know if I can win a WSG match or Arathi Basin match vs a good bg team, and obviously in a lot of cases I can't. So it keeps things interesting for me.

I think that it's more challenging to play objectively, the better players play objectively, and it takes more to win a game than it does to farm midfield. It is more challenging. And because of that I feel like I achieve more when I win.

That is my incentive. I don't need honor, or shiny coins at the end of the bg to tell me what is valuable. I have played enough battlegrounds to know what's important.
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Some kids just don't care about objectives. They just want to top the scoreboard in mid.
If Blizz just increased the amount of honor gained by winning, this would help.
then u would still have the teams thats..."farm smartly" as in kill EFC when needed and hold flags the whole time waiting for the 3rd cap at 1 min.
imo also give an honor bonus for winning in a shorter time period.

also, i totally agree about some people just liking to brawl, ik at least for me some days i just want to hop on my rogue and kill shiz. other days i play extremely objectively on my druid.
I'm not getting into this mid farming debate but with druids as fast as they are even me who normally always tries to say efc ___ can sometimes not track the efc until they are already past mid and in tunnel. People in mid farming have way more excuse in MoP for not getting to efcs then they did in cata
I'm not getting into this mid farming debate but with druids as fast as they are even me who normally always tries to say efc ___ can sometimes not track the efc until they are already past mid and in tunnel. People in mid farming have way more excuse in MoP for not getting to efcs then they did in cata

No, that just means they have less of an excuse to mid farm.
For the longest time, I thought the tunnel was the ramp... and even though I would play objectively, I had no idea how to get on the horde roof, and would wander around the horde base looking for the flag carrier asking in the chat for help finding the enemy flag carrier getting nothing but rude responses and being left to wander around on my own for a while.


BTW, this was only a few months ago. I'm completely new to WoW. <3
Oni everyone was a nub once. When people ask where our FC is I just say shift M. Quick easy and helpful.

I mean if someone walked up to you on the street and said "Hey man where is the train station" would you say "you suck at life buddy"?

Do unto others - doesn't matter the medium foo's.
clearly youve never been on a europe battleground cause thats majority of the bgs, either alliance farm or horde. please continue to comment if not get your nose off my keyboard.


you would think with the whole healers dominating bgs, people would work togethere and focus on the objects of the battleground but i guess that is not the case. indeed i have nothing wrong with new players its just when geared 20s and 24s think its a good idea to start farming

I play on EU and interesting thing happened
we had 1 holy paladin from Eonar and 3 rogues (I am feral druid)
we actually played as team (Alliance) and won versus 24 holy paladin, resto druid and balance priest
I was so happy and proud with that game...I was on priest full time and he could only heal himself
2 horde prot paladins was on flags and we returned flags like 6 times I think
sad story is that 80% others bgs was poor quality
The only thing I see is people explaining the reasons / motivations why some people will never do what we want them to do. Some people enjoy bullying. Some people enjoy deathmatches. If I think bullies are disgusting I'm SoL; they won't change just cause I don't like them. Where did anyone "make excuses"?

Also what's everyone's fascination with that Gangnam style thing. -_-

I like and respect your possitive ''being a good girly virly'' who's first in the line for world piece and all BUT

you often strive to find excuses in simular topics by mentioning the possibility (in short finding excuses for idiots)

for new players that yet don't know how or what or dear i play this game a lot ( check flags capped and returned-this is my leverage for objective play and keeping track of such things ) .......and what i see is ppl old or new playing rambo in the middle as the fc or efc passes them by and them still staying in the middle......

and sure me and a fiew more type stuff in BG chat like :

-bunch up and go EFC
-ok ppl enough midd farming go kill efc
-hey idiots go get usefull and kill the EFC !
-still the same scrubs being carried by others while you die in the middle and again return there after being ressed

What is there more to say ? please anyone ?
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Well I think I must have worded something in a confusing way before then.

Of course there are idiots around. I'm just saying that all kinds of people play in this bracket, including new players and people who might actually be quite intelligent but enjoy midfights and don't care about objectives.

The only positive thing I want to spread is to keep in mind that someone might be new and not treat everyone like they are intentionally bad or obtuse. And I do believe you're not going to get someone to change their opinion by calling them an idiot.
I get involved in mid fights, but is because a mate is being attacked, and i can't pass a comrade and not help him, i have too, i also thing he will follow to the base and help the fc, but sometimes i get stuck in there, but i engage any efc on sight. But druidos speed atm is just insane, even by hitting them with Concussive shot they still outrun everyone.
You know what if I actually joined a battleground which is a PVP zone for actually PVPing? You wanna play objective do a quest or a dungeon those are more objective, you wanna cap things go cap stuff in the outlands zones like halaa.
You know what if I actually joined a battleground which is a PVP zone for actually PVPing? You wanna play objective do a quest or a dungeon those are more objective, you wanna cap things go cap stuff in the outlands zones like halaa.
Why the fuck do I need to go somewhere else to play the whole fucking point of those battlegrounds in the first place? If WSG and Arathi Basin were built just so shit like you could piss around midfield then why do we fucking have flags or bases to cap? Use your head. You're the one that doesn't belong.

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