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  1. Kutotems

    39 Shaman

    one other question i had was is the BoA SoJ good for 2h enh? has a higher top end than the reg SoJ, and has resi and more SP so shocks and totems hit harder (searing)
  2. Kutotems

    39 Shaman

    Alright, so considering all that, i have 2 Mcgowans and the 2 other BiS weps with 20 agi on them both, do i get dual mongoose on them? keep in mind im gonna lose my Expertise bonus from my dwarf racial. i dont have Mallet of ZF, unforturneatly
  3. Kutotems

    39 Shaman

    Well, Mongoose is nice, no doubt about it, but its a proc rather than a sold dmg. With Double mcgowans you ahve a 2.8 speed and higher top end. +30 from both, or maybe even 5 wep dmg to both for a higher WF proc, id rather have the maximum burst not relying on procs compared to going all out...
  4. Kutotems

    Enhancement shaman. BiS

    Hopefully making a 29 enhancement shaman, was just wondering what would be a good Armory link to look at or a guide i could follow for gear. i have BoAs and can farm out ones i dont have.
  5. Kutotems

    Shamans.Enhancement. weapon Qs and Race Qs

    Last question here, shoulder peices, i have Elements shoulders, and compared to the champs shoulder it gives intel instead of agility. The question i have, is it worth farming out the BoA shoulder seeing as i have to farm out 1200 extra gold for helm and the chest peice. Other question i had was...
  6. Kutotems

    Shamans.Enhancement. weapon Qs and Race Qs

    im about to make an enhancement shaman, and i had a couple questions. Should i get double mass of Mcgowan with 15 agi, or double skeleton club with feiry? also, Dwarf or Draenei? Dwarf gets expertise with maces, and draenei get the extra 1% hit rating. discuss :)
  7. Kutotems

    Warlock? druid? or shaman?

    Ill try out Enh shaman, shaman is my main, my 70 and my 39, i have the skill to play one. i have most of the BOAs for it, the question is do i do massive skeleton club + feiry wep burst or dual McGowan mass with 15 agi
  8. Kutotems

    Warlock? druid? or shaman?

    I was hoping to be a shaman, but i dont think they are very viable, so i wanted to ask twinkinfo. lock?shaman?druid? have BoAs for most and can grind out ones i dont have.
  9. Kutotems

    Resil or Agility Hunter?

    I meant that they are more OP and seem to be the flavor of the month for most brackets all the time. In a sense i was more or less revolting on the fact that i decided to go into a 19 xp bg on a shaman and there were 3 MM hunters on horde side, need i say more? Hunters are relatively squishy but...
  10. Kutotems

    Resil or Agility Hunter?

    this is absolutely true. Dont even gem for socket bonuses. Hunters are usually Explosive even if youd stack resilience. Usually i say stack Agility, but with ghostcrawlers hacks for hunter dmg stack up some Resi and aim for maybe 1800-2.1k ranged AP to be safe. Until hunters get nerfed, they are...
  11. Kutotems

    Shock N Awe 70 twinks

    im not here for gear, just wanna raid 70 content with 70s.
  12. Kutotems

    1/2 away from BiS shaman Looking for PvE / PvP guild at 70

    alright, during the summer i can make all those times until X notice, but during school times i cant do sunday times, but i have 2 more sundays until i get out of school, then i should be able to make all the times
  13. Kutotems

    Shock N Awe 70 twinks

    is there any recruitment process? no application its just hey you can join? i also checked the guild on the armory, seems i outgear all the people in there, i look foward to running raids and such, not looking for gearing up, i just want to raid. do you clear BT, Sunwell and such every week?
  14. Kutotems

    Arena master @70

    looks more clear now that so many people think that. @falkor, couldnt really find another title to compare it to other than maybe a lvl 85 pve title, nevertheless he probably did win trade. I dont see why, it only gets you haters not respect
  15. Kutotems

    Shock N Awe 70 twinks

    Ill join! im missing the brutallus neck and hardened khorium ring/hyjal ring for my shaman enh BiS, i pull 3.6k dps on target dummies and i know all fights. Is there an age requirement? or anything of that matter? also do you have a sight i can check out? I cant promise that ill join but i can...
  16. Kutotems

    Arena master @70

    Grats to kruul for making this thread enjoyable ^.^ and im doubtfull he win traded, im honestly wondering what person in his right mind gives wins to someone, its like getting carried for the Light of Dawh and then boasting about how good you are
  17. Kutotems

    1/2 away from BiS shaman Looking for PvE / PvP guild at 70

    any weekend raids? or they all during the week? cause i can make those times in the summer but not in the School hours.
  18. Kutotems

    Whats new

    The GY changes basically were meant to change the the flag carriers camping the GYs for neverending Battles with flag carriers. but blizz didnt factor in that to escape a GY farm people would have to die right next the the land wall then spirit run to the high ground, in hopes their insignia...
  19. Kutotems

    1/2 away from BiS shaman Looking for PvE / PvP guild at 70

    1 or 2 peice away from BiS shaman Looking for PvE / PvP guild at 70 Enhancement shaman here looking for a good pvp/pve guild at 70, i need to have some info/backround first, and im willing to faction change. i pull 3.6k on target dummies in SW single target. Know all BC fights. Link to my...
  20. Kutotems

    70 Resto shaman

    His healing power is 1288, so the heals will be effective