Search results

  1. US WTB Green Lens of eagle or stam

    Yeah im here, sorry im out of the country, the other side of the world. Im off hours and sometimes I dont get Wifi, so yes my ingame name that im always and only on is odoubleg. He has all my gears on him atm. Keep me added and ill be sure to sell you them. but if your not on my server, i...
  2. Wts Shadowfang

    2k for it right now all i got on that server
  3. US WTB Green Lens of eagle or stam

    Ill do 27k for eagles.
  4. US wts: shadowfang and assn blade

    Hmm, i would have to do it after i get pay in a couple of days, im on vacation at the moment so no money to buy gold---> or pay for an xfer so if you would'nt mind, save it for me if noone is in need of it other than me
  5. US wts: shadowfang and assn blade

    I'll buy both from you. If I come to you - I'll pay you 6k for both. If you come to me - I'll pay you 11k for both.
  6. Rate Me :D

    Not bad, but you kinda suck without the shadowfang, :) Jk karm wutup bro im away but im usually on late.
  7. US WTB Green Lens of eagle or stam

    Ok, prices were all changed to due many people telling me it was really cheap. ** All Prices Changed up by 15k. Im on suramar us alliance
  8. US WTB Green Lens of eagle or stam

    Ok to clear up things this is what I got. And the prices I will least I will sell it for. 1 Perfect Eagles - 20k 2 Perfect Stams - 37k Each, 72 for both and 1 Imperfect Stam. 25k Also have a couple common lenses like +36, Shadow, Frost, Nature, Fire. And +10 Mana Regen.
  9. US WTB Green Lens of eagle or stam

    I have a pair of perfect eagles. A pair of perfect stams and an imperfect one that is off by 1 stam. Stams I wont sell for less than 25k; Eagles im not sure how much they run now-a-days
  10. 19 Warlock FC set!

    Ok heres where I come in. I have a warlock and i've been FCing for a while now. I can hit 1900 hp easy. I thought about FCing due to the buff that warlock gets that increases healing done to them by 20%. Warlock can even FC in premades. I know there clothies and will go down faster, but they...
  11. Best Song Ever Made!!!11

  12. US /2 WTS: [Twink Gear - Suramar]

    Bump I added Green Lens!!
  13. US Twinks for Sale.

    Note: Im NOT Selling my twink/s. I was just checking out how much I would be able to get for it.
  14. US Twinks for Sale.

    Twinks for Sale. Just wondering what I can get. Offer for my rogue <------ Ogii, 19 Rogue, Suramar Alliance US
  15. WTS - Green Lens of Stamina

    Oh alright, so explain more I would like to know. Im guessing it is pre-bc gear people would find in there banks?
  16. Level 10 Rogue Guide?

    Any level 10 twinks out there that know there rogue is perfect, post me your armory here. Also im planning on rolling Alliance. Chill Accidently ;) I know Horde is better for almost everything for a 10 twink but I dont have a source of gold or help or basically anything on any area of horde. Now...
  17. WTS Shadowfang (and a few other twink items) US

    Twinkyy..Twinky...Twinky... What are we going to do with you! AND WHY DO I KEEP SEEING YOU EVERYWHERE!!!!
  18. WTS - Green Lens of Stamina

    Mind me asking, are these Green Lens of.... Crafted?
  19. US /2 WTS: [Twink Gear - Suramar]

    Fast answer! Oh ok. So anyways hows Twink Info of Medivh going. I want to roll a hordie badly, and a holy pally. But for now I only got Allies, but if I did have a horde toon, i would transfer is in a second. I only have 1 toon in Ruin atm(Cyclone FTW), Ogee 19 Gnome Warrior. Hes with Paragon...
  20. US /2 WTS: [Twink Gear - Suramar]

    @Drayner, not sure who your referring to either Diiesel or I, but I was referring when I said I would trade my assassin's blade for a sponsored pally, I was asking mainly twinks that have 80s or a main on Medivh that wouldn't mind sponsoring. I chose Medivh because I would guess thats where...