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  1. 19 warlock twink help

    because warlocks own. Gearoverskil is mine dots tic really high i have good cc with fear, sacrafice change owns, and i can use orc racial for even higher dot damage. also i get healed for extra.
  2. Server with most active Twinks and Twink Guilds?

    bronzebeard has some really good guilds, CM (causa mortis? cant remember) who is amazing and the kingsmen also has a ton of geared twinks. its also in cyclone bg which owns.
  3. What to aim for on priests?

    yeah he really only plays lawndoctor any more, but hes on almost everyday. though hes been farming a shadowfang to make a new rogue for some reason. i have no idea why, lawnthegnome ownz.
  4. What to aim for on priests?

    Lawndoctor my guild leader on ali and the best priest ive seen
  5. Bar OR Glacial?

    proc makes glacial better at 19 for war and pally imo.
  6. Swiftness Pots in 10v10s

    nothing wrong swiftness potions. i always have a bag full lol.
  7. Duels...

    i voted yes but i really only believe mirror class duels determine skill at level 19, since most classes are missing the tools to deal with most classes.
  8. Why do people assume that shamans are weak?

    shaman is the best level 19 class for 1v1 and for general use in bg/arena. only retards think they are weak. my next twink will be an ali shammy infact.
  9. No BoE rogue spec

    whats exactly what i was wondering.
  10. No BoE rogue spec

    all im saying is you get overcap hit and more stats...dont see how that makes gearing for hit better. though since the potions cant be used in arena i would gear hit in arena but every other situation just pop a potion and dont sacrafice slots for inferior gear.
  11. No BoE rogue spec

    so being even on agi (assuming 3agi on spider cape) losing 4str and 3stam to get 11 hit beats having the 8agi 4str 3stam and 13 hit?
  12. Keybinding Help

    im left handed and i use 1-7 qertxvfmouse4mouse5 shift1-7.i never had a problem playing with a conventional mouse and keyboard, but thats probably because i grew up playing counter-strike and all the jump crouch walk stuff im sure helped me with keybinds.
  13. Barb Or Slicer MH?

    im 26% crit with lifeststeal mainhand shadowfang and my skinning is still 1. ill take 29%crit and lifesteal proc over ~31%
  14. No BoE rogue spec

    spec into minor accuracy elixers. my rogue does. the only piece of hit gear i have is deviate belt and i dominate bg's. rogue is in sig btw.
  15. rogue mainhand enchant

    my rogue (in sig) is currently using shadowfang(lifesteal) and thief's blade(15agi) the 15agi is staying because i dont want to fall below 25%crit but was wondering if fiery would be better then lifesteal. i remember the proc rates being very similar but not sure which would be better. thx in...
  16. hit gear on rogues

    o well im at 6% since i always run accuracy potions and generally use deviate belt (sometimes i stack expertise for rogue duels) guess im sticking to what i got. guess my question really becomes...why not just use a accuracy potion and not gimp your gear to get 11hit? deviate belt and accuracy...
  17. Transfer Shaman

    whats character name?
  18. hit gear on rogues

    i have a rogue named twinkordie (look him up on sig) i definatly notice when i dont have an accuracy elixer on but i love to min/max and was just making sure i was ok on the hit rating. im currently very happy with where my gear is at though im still trying out different main hand enchants. and...
  19. hit gear on rogues

    ive seen alot of talk about getting 11hit on rogues lately and people grabing weaker gear just to get hit rating to 11. but cant you just get deviate belt and a minor accuracy elixer and call it a day? or are people really looking to get 21hit?
  20. Transfer Shaman

    what will be the character name? ill take 1 of the assassins blades in that case.