What to aim for on priests?

Hey, i'm just starting a new priest. I was planning on healing, but i'm not 100% sure on how to gear him.

Would the prior stats be int/stam or int/spirit?
First work on a balanced set. You need a solid base of health - somewhere around 900-1000 - along with a healthy mana pool (1500-1800+) Stack spell power in your enchants and such, and top it off with some spirit and mp5.

From there you can work on getting different sets of gear for certain situations. Having a mana set, a stam set, regen set, and healing set are all very useful at different times. There are a few gear guides floating around these forums if you need help.

The most commonly changed piece of gear (other than weapon, which is very important) is the bracers and chest, because of the range of abilities you can have on them. Bracers can vary greatly in the amount of stam/int/spell they give, so they can be a finishing touch to your gear set.

Good luck!
This question has been asked a few times on this forum really. Use the search function. To get you started you''ll need 3 staffs and learn to switch at right time. Your mana pool will be fluctuating between about 1300 and 1900. As above poster stated, there's many many gear options you can vary with. Sometimes you will need max spirit, sometimes max spellpower, sometimes max stamina (max spellpower is a set you will pobably use a lot on a priest). As I have explained priest things many times by now I can't really be bothered to write down exact same info again but have a look around it's usefull ;)

<edit> might interest you, my priest has all items I think you could need on a priest usually decked out in mainly SP gear [char=eu-Stormrage]Penicillin[/char]
Quara - I need a fishing hat and AGM obviously, but other than that, what suggestions for this guy?

oops. In main hand normally a [ITEM]Devout Aurastone Hammer[/ITEM] and in off hand a [ITEM]Mystic Tome[/ITEM]. I can also move my [ITEM]Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle[/ITEM], [ITEM]Discerning Eye of the Beast[/ITEM], and [ITEM]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/ITEM]from my lock.
Also, I could probably refund my [ITEM]Devout Aurastone Hammer[/ITEM] and use just the [ITEM]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/ITEM]. I could then purchase [ITEM]Tattered Dreadmist Mantle[/ITEM] to replace [ITEM]Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle[/ITEM]

I am going to do Mining and Herbs to 225. Fish. Get Inferno Robe.

I have both Magefist and Serpents Gloves. I need the [ITEM]Crystalline Cuffs[/ITEM], but that is easy.
Tell Lawnthegnome to get his ass on Twink Info and say "Hey" to me. I miss him on BB.
Drayner said:
Tell Lawnthegnome to get his ass on Twink Info and say "Hey" to me. I miss him on BB.

yeah he really only plays lawndoctor any more, but hes on almost everyday. though hes been farming a shadowfang to make a new rogue for some reason. i have no idea why, lawnthegnome ownz.
Haha, the Armory isn't showing me any gear on you. Here're a few observations on BoAs that I've noticed, though:

-If you plan on running with Mystic Tome or [item]Eerie Stable Lantern[/item] offhand, you should NEVER be seen with +9 stam on your bracers - this mix of stats (+stam/+sp) is just straight-up worse than using [item]Furbolg Medicine Pouch[/item] off hand and a +15 spell power enchant. To rephrase, if you want to make a 'balanced' set of spell and stam, always use Furbolg as your Offhand and spell power on bracers. Of course, it's totally fine to use the Tome/Lantern -and- spellpower bracers if you want some powerful spell-flinging - I've just seen way too many priests flaunting bad mixes like these. Watch out!

As for the Staff vs 1H argument (BoAs), I guess it's mostly personal preference. I use melee damage to its greatest effect, and wouldn't be caught dead with the 1-handers. I suppose 1-handers give you a little bit more customizability due to your off-hand choices, but really the Staffs are just stronger. Even with the +10 stam from furbolg (the default, technically 'best' offhand,) the stats are at most even - different though. If you don't engage in melee-juke fests as much or don't care about the extra white damage that you can inflict on pets while you run the flag over (etc etc) then the 1hander is probably the way to go. It also does provide you with more Stamina than any other option, which is very respectable.


While most people go for the "pve"-sided weapons (devout hammer//dignified charge) I think I've found a pretty solid argument to the contrary:

What the Devout Aurastone Hammer and Dignified Headmaster's Charge give us are perfectly balanced and, quite frankly, overpowered weapons. Great! But Balance is not what we want in a weapon at all! No; since we as good priests have the ability (scratch that, obligation!) to switch our weapons frequently, we should always have a staff best suited for the situation.

Where am I going with this? To put it simply, both the 'Aurastone and 'Charge give us Intellect. Their counterparts, [item]Grand Staff of Jordan[/item] and [item]Blessed Hammer of Grace[/item], give you mp5 and a crap load of hit, respectively, along with a small scrap of Resilience.

But we forget that extra Intellect is only useful when you have the mana to fill it! That is why we have our trust Intellect Staffs: Twisted Chanter's Staff with +22 int still leads the mana-pool-deepener fight. Of course we switch out to Spell weapons once we've burned through the extra mana - and that's where the debate begins: 330 mana deep. So the +4 int that Aura/Charge give us is almost useless.

For me personally, I would take the Grand Staff of Jordan as my staff preferé. 6 resilience is 1.13% less crit/crit+dot damage, which is nothing to scoff at. The real charmer for me here though is the 6 hit. 6 hit is the amount you get from wearing Spidersilk Drape and Lavishly Jeweled Ring, and is enough for almost all situations. This will allow you to safely keep your lavish jewelry behind in favor of such fun things as +8 stamina or other more esoteric pets.

Wall of Text out.
Interesting stuff, im working on my priest. Overall on a priest id favor having less health for more spellpower/int. If your careful you wont be dieing much, unless your focus fired by 2-3 hunters, but in that case 100hp wouldnt make a difference anyway, you're still dieing.

So on bracers id take spellpower over stam, and rings id take lavishly jewled over the seal of sylvanas. However if your really being focused alot then switching in for more stam can help a bit.

For profs you want herb of course, then you have to choose between mining or engineering. It really depends how much you would take advantage of the bombs, and also recombobulator.
Drayner said:
oops. In main hand normally a [ITEM]Devout Aurastone Hammer[/ITEM] and in off hand a [ITEM]Mystic Tome[/ITEM]. I can also move my [ITEM]Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle[/ITEM], [ITEM]Discerning Eye of the Beast[/ITEM], and [ITEM]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/ITEM]from my lock.

The BOA hammer with the Erie Stable Lantern in offhand is so Sexy on a Undead its ridiculous. /Drool
Also, the BoA mace with the +8 spellpower offhand is your max SP weapon combo for the bracket.

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