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  1. Is Cyclone battlegroup (us) good to make 39 alliance twink on if you want a challenge

    You aren't really making too much sense in this response. I am not saying anything about MY experience in cyclone, all my twinks are in reckoning. I am saying, a few random different people have told me similiar things about cyclone, and this causes me to think. I am sure there are skilled...
  2. What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

    Quillward harness for 5g, then i had one drop for me in RFD. Still have never seen any but those 2.
  3. Is Cyclone battlegroup (us) good to make 39 alliance twink on if you want a challenge

    Your theory that cyclone has the most "skilled" players is just that, a theory. Now, I have never had a toon in Cyclone, but i know people who have. From what they have said, and this is all opinion, is cyclone has the best geared players (green lens' w/ stats, PoD's), but no where close to the...
  4. US WTS Perfect Green Lens of Stamina

    did you originally make it?
  5. BoA

    Except that they somewhat killed the market for greens and leveling blues. They are ridiculously OP for the most part to, especially the weapons which are BiS for almost every bracket. So blizz is encouraging lowbie noob ownage in a way, cause you have to have an 80 to get the gear.
  6. BoA

    I dont feel a need to get any more BoA's, nor do i care.
  7. Cyclone

    What? That reckoning is where it's at?
  8. 39 Mage

    Arcane for flag carrying Fire for damage Frost for................. Edit: ahh just saw you want to make a CC mage. You dont need spell power then, should probably go arcane. Stam/intel and as previous posts have noted hit should be priority stats.
  9. Cyclone

    Reckoning is where it's at.
  10. WTS perfect green lens of natures wrath

    If you think this is cruel....interesting is all I have to say. I view it much more at getting a point across using sarcasm.
  11. WTS perfect green lens of natures wrath

    Im taking over this thread. WTS Scorpashi cloak and bracers. Will not xfer. Bids start at 99silver, post here.
  12. Alternative Twinks

    I think melee hunters are not as viable as they once were. They used to be friggin OP.
  13. Will edit a 30-39 arena video. ;]

    It absolutely is a fact that binding your keys is more effective. Just think about it in a rational manner. If your using keybings all your abilities and skills are within fingers reach. Instead of clicking where your constantly moving your mouse around to click abilities, which limits your...
  14. WTS Quillward Harness

    SOCK! hehe hey. Well i dont think im gonna xfer brom but maybe i can xfer my priest or just level a toon on you server. Is WO running premades??
  15. WTS Quillward Harness

    To answer your question, yes, it is still the highest dps chest in the bracket. With +4 stats it has 23agi, 12 str. Not to mention it is pretty frickin rare
  16. WTS Quillward Harness

    Bumpitty bump bump
  17. WTS Quillward Harness

    WTS Quillward Harness US Shadow Council. Will not xfer. If you're interested post here or come talk to me on Shadow Council (Tomrobroma) or on Bonechewer(Bromrotama).
  18. *US*Bloodlust or Cyclone for most active 39?

    Reckoning #1!!!! But in all seriousness reckoning has a good sized 39 twink community. just an fyi
  19. Perfect 39 BoA armories?

    I think this argument boils down to whether of not you want to look cool or not. RotL ftl edit: now what do i do with my quillward harness >:) feral druid ownage inc
  20. Stamina to AP equivalency

    This is true, my priest has about 400 more armor than my enh sham. Inner fire ftw