39 Mage

Pick up staff of jordan.

I you're gonna concentrate on cc then go with a frost build. Arcane will give you some more int and regen but frost will make your your snares much more efficient plus a double frost nova and coc along with 3% hit.
Arcane for flag carrying

Fire for damage

Frost for.................

Edit: ahh just saw you want to make a CC mage. You dont need spell power then, should probably go arcane. Stam/intel and as previous posts have noted hit should be priority stats.
imo get more focused on stam/int. WSG staff with int enchant for example, or an eagle ring...

either go arcane for CC+FC (with instasheep) or frost for cold snap and increased snares.
Twinkytoes said:
I did, I got Mantle Of Doan.

I apologize, CharDev was messing around with me. Or maybe I was just too tired. The rest of my post still stands though. Get Stats all the way, preferably Eagle, Screw SP, try to get as much hit as possible (I would probably even get Surefooted instead of 12 Stam) and figure out if you like Arcane more than frost. Is that toon all about CCing/Snaring or is it more of a 'I try to annoy everything in my range but still do decent damage'-thing? Some basic decisions can be made by just answering this question.
Frost does everything, get hit on gloves and 3/3 precision (frost talent) theres your hit cap, Arcane is a gimmick, fire's ok but frost is a far better all arounder. 900 Fbolt crits with 500 CoC, near enough on demand 1.4k burst with nova up or frostbite proc, and thats not taking offensive cold snaps into consideration.

And your a caster, F AGM, get Tidal.

Also why would you make a class that you just want to CC with? what BS use is that lol... Why would anyone want to play with you if all you can do is throw sheeps around and a few R1 frostbolts? Good mages can throw out good CC and burst when needed, get out of this 'i just wanna cc' mindset and you'll be fine. Not to mention you'll have allot more fun.

As for gear. engi helm, eagle/boa shoulders, staff of Jord, I went with Robe of Magi - Rest is ok.

Just to reiterate. At 39, you dont need imp CS, baseline CS is perfectly fine, the burst is so quick a random imp CS or POM xx just isnt required, offensive blinks, tidals, sheeps, r1 frostbolts, you have it all with frost, the only difference between frost and lolarcane is that you have far stronger burst and defensive capabilities. Arcane is just pathetic at this lvl if you want to play with/against people with half functioning brains. If you are intending to play with bads all day every day, then ANY spec in the game will be fine for you. Hope this text burst helped.
mages are pretty squishy and go OOM alot at 39. just a warning. 49 is better. lower than 39 is unbearable.


for better CC would be fear spamming lock but everoyne rolls lock. +curse of cantcatchmeyourslowed

above responses are on it too. need stats. fire for dps, ice for dps and CC
Nait said:
mages are pretty squishy and go OOM alot at 39. just a warning. 49 is better. lower than 39 is unbearable.


for better CC would be fear spamming lock but everoyne rolls lock. +curse of cantcatchmeyourslowed

above responses are on it too. need stats. fire for dps, ice for dps and CC

They're no more squishy than any other class. If anything straight up, mages are the ugliest class to try and dps down due to all of their defensive mechanisms and frost armor. Tis why mages are usually left alone, if it ever gets too much they just sit in IB and soak up heals whilst their team mates finish off your team mate(s)

Locks can throw out fears and COeX, but stick 1 dps on a lock and he'll have a hard time doing anything let alone fear spamming, mages have multiple ways to escape snares and stuns, if you glyph Icy veins you have like 3 on demand snare breakers.

Fire's DPS is alright, but I still think an untouched frostmage could pump out more than a fire mage, and their burst is far more 'reliable', fire you stack scorches, if you can get out a fireball, then you'd have to run toward the target to blast wave, not bad, but I'd take my chances with 500 hit / 900 crit frostbolts with snares and the chance to prock frostbite over that anyday. Granted Blazing speed is awesome vs melee.
Granted I just finished my mage last week (need necro leggings but thats it).

But my fireballs hit for 5-600 and crit for 900-1000. Ignite, Blast Wave, Impact, (procs alot) Blazing speed AND I have 3 points in Frostbite for added CC on ice armor and CoC.

Just a tad squishy, but srsly, I love the DPS and the mobility it offers. Fire +3 in frost for bite is probably one of the best DPS specs you can get.

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