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  1. Wisperin

    Lifeblood better than we thought?

    ok so getting a 225-300 skill in herb needs lvl 20 but using a LB rank 5 dosent? does this mean that ppl who had 450 herb and didnt delete it to get usable rank 3 LB will be able to use it in cata?
  2. Wisperin

    19 Druid Fc Talents

    yea but after patch when they get travel form u wont have much problems with warrs and havters can be dazed easily if they put cheetah on but once again its all in your playstyle cos every tallent build can be usefull in some situations so its best to try few of them and see what is best for u
  3. Wisperin

    19 Druid Fc Talents

    or u might consider naturalist... with glyph u can have your rank 2 heling touch an instant spell and u can run and spam it if u stack a bit of mana
  4. Wisperin

    Best 19 Hunter Pet

    Ravager is best imo. ppl use spiders for rogues becouse they cant dodge web unlike wing clip but if u stun rogue he has 0% dodge chance which leaves u enough time to wc him but u can also use serpants becouse they have poison which gives 25% more casting time and if u wana pet that looks...
  5. Wisperin

    Best Rogue Class for duels [19]

    perception=Elusiveness humans have +3str +1stam and +12stam from another agm VS ne have +5agg human sword specialization 1.25% less dodge and 1.25% less parry VS ne Quickness 2% less chance to be hited human every man for himself VS ne shadowmeld but humans win becouse they have 3% more...
  6. Wisperin

    Twink info guild Ally side

    when i was in france receprionist in a hotel knew only german and no eng:S
  7. Wisperin

    Take the best out of your Sap

    yea i also turn away after garrote and it works always... i tryded that macro and lots of more complicated ones and none worked. also when im dueling rogues after turning i turn auto attack off and then after 2 sec i start combat with sinister strike cos u are still behind him and he cant...
  8. Wisperin

    check this out

    old guild with lots of ppl but no wait time Rampage/Ferocite(fr) Medivh is not im that battlegrp and horde guild is allrdy here with 70-80 members
  9. Wisperin

    check this out

    well ofc what did u think i wana boost ppl and give gold to ppl out of a kindnes of my heart? im doing it to get ppl online on that battlegroup and have fun doing premades vs horde twink info guild. since no1 else took the iniciative to make ally guild so i can transfer/reroll i decided to...
  10. Wisperin

    Twink info guild Ally side

    yea EU Twisting Nether ill try to be online from 8-10 pm if im not online on Wisperin or Aiyanna search the who list for do not fear me and ask some1 if they can inv u
  11. Wisperin

    Guild Name Help! 10-19 BG

    The Daedalus Project: Guild Name Generator maby this helps
  12. Wisperin

    check this out if u interested let me know
  13. Wisperin

    Twink info guild Ally side

    also ive heard that prAyar wants to transfer back to Rampage so if any1 of them reads this please contact me ingame and maby we can unite our forces :D
  14. Wisperin

    Twink info guild Ally side

    ok i have a ally guild on rampage Twisting Nether which is runing for some time but has low activity. i was thinking if making that guild as counter to twink info europe so that all of u who wana join nice 10v10 premaids could reroll or transfer to twisting nether guild is called <Do Not...
  15. Wisperin

    Twink Info Guild EU!

    ok i have a ally guild on rampage Twisting Nether which is runing for some time but has low activity. have 47 members. i was thinking if making that guild as counter to twink info europe so that all of u who wana join nice 10v10 premaids could reroll or transfer to twisting nether guild...
  16. Wisperin

    3-23-09 Latest PTR

    fishing feet= 12stam + 9 stam + minor speed =21 stam + minor speed 2nd best fang boots= 6stam + minor speed 21-6=15 no point making a fc with 70hp more and loosing minor speed and leting every rogue to chase u down on field when u need to run with flag i didnt say it was much and im...
  17. Wisperin

    3-23-09 Latest PTR

    ok lets take one full drood fc lvl 19 and calculate the hp loss head= -100hp shoulders -30stam chest= -100hp +4stam legs= -40stam feet= -15stam trinket= +24stam mining= -43stam total= -200hp and -100stam in bear= -1450hp =D
  18. Wisperin

    need help: rogue

    im ally and ill go full dps so maby i could get atalai pants are nice but with my luck im gona need ages to get them this rogue was 29 twink b4 but after farming gnomer ring for a month i decided to lvl:P
  19. Wisperin

    need help: rogue

    ye i know of the site but it gives only boe legs to use do u think geting 32 ap and 10 hit ratink from is worth losing herb buff or maybe skining buff also would u get jc for the or some other prof ye i like...
  20. Wisperin

    need help: rogue

    ye i got thrash blade and gona get widowmaker for ambush in mh still need head and chest drops (hate that rare boss in mara) gona get shadowblade for oh but a bit low on gold atm :( do u think i should skill up LW for or get some gathering prof? i think...