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  1. [19 - Cataclysm/Patch 4.0] Class/Specc viability

    Yeah and 600 MS is also "good" for Healers :P I will xD
  2. [19 - Cataclysm/Patch 4.0] Class/Specc viability

    Dont know what a Priest you seen, i dueled Rogues on PTR as a Holy, sure Ambush Crit and i loose more than 50% Health, who cares ?^^ on PTR i won against Rogues every Duel. I dont want to reroll a Hpala :p because my Main is Pala, i think that could be boring after 1-2 Months Druid is...
  3. [19 - Cataclysm/Patch 4.0] Class/Specc viability

    If you want a more Off. Priest than a Def. Priest, spec Disc. Otherwise Holy will be better forever :)
  4. Which class rolling for cata?

    I've seen just 5 classes on PTR Mage, Priest, Warrior, Warlock and Rogue Mage is not a Duel Class, in BG Frost is Awesome Priest is fucking nice (Holy) you can beat Rogues in Duels easy. Same like Warlocks. Disc. is good too, because Penance is a good Off. Spell. Warrior sucks atm, sry...
  5. [19 - Cataclysm/Patch 4.0] Class/Specc viability

    But not as a Priest, Disc. have 2 amazing things, Penance (mostly use Off.) and 15% more Intellect. Holy have 15% more healing effect and the Stun. Now tell me who have more survival abilitys ?^^ For sure the Holy, when a Rogue is picking on you, you have a BIG BIG Problem as a Disc. as a...
  6. [19 - Cataclysm/Patch 4.0] Class/Specc viability

    Nice Thread Lindenkron but i have to say, in Duels, Holypriest is ways better than Disc. same like Arena (i think) because the cc is to op vs. penance, and you dont need penance, because Priestheal is op enough to spam heal a long Time with big heals. Shadow still sucks (in duels)...
  7. The best class in cata

    Rogue will be fine in Cata Hunter DMG got nerfed since last Patch, so dunno if its worth to reroll Huntard I´m Priest and can say, Holy is fine, the stun is very nice and the Heals and Mana Efficiency is still pretty good. Mage dmg is not bad, Blink and Ele Pet is good and the dmg got...
  8. Ptr WTF ?

    Oh my gawd °_° this sucks like hell >.< No Skirmish :( i cant believe it =( Edit: someone tryd the 30 Intellect ench. ? :o
  9. Ptr WTF ?

    Yesterday i was on PTR and Queued for wsg just 4 fun, then i tryd to Queue for Arena.... and its for lvl 70? WTF ? 19 Bracket without Arena and 25 min. WSG, lol goodbye... btw: someone tryd the 30 Intellect weapon enchant ?
  10. Priest BiS Items.

    Thx Nohealsforju
  11. Priest BiS Items.

    hmm okay Inferno Robe and Jutebraid Gloves will be BiS ? Another Question, the Hat from Fishing Daily, is that a bug ? O.O And whats with the Heirloom Cloak and Hat ? No BiS ?
  12. Priest BiS Items.

    I Mean with Cataclysm Live =)
  13. Achievement points!

    oO list of possible factions or it didn't happend :P
  14. Priest BiS Items.

    Hey can someone tell me the BiS Item that are known ? This gives me no rest.... -.- Cant finde a Thread about that :o
  15. 19 Priest on PTR?!

    Transfered my Priest on PTR today and i´m wondering about the new changes o.O I think Holy will be better then Disc, because the Stun can be more useful as Penance, Penance heals well and deals good dmg, but the Stun is for Arena better. Warsong idk.. You can Spam Flash heal.. thats...
  16. 19 Priest on PTR?!

    Thanks Hamcake :)
  17. 19 Priest on PTR?!

    Why is Shadow bad ? Low dmg ? I thought that the Shadow dmg will be getting OP :( Mind Flay *-*
  18. 19 Priest on PTR?!

    yo, can someone give me some informations about the Priest on PTR ? Shadow, Disc, Holy. I´m to lazy to download the 15 GB :( Hows the dps and Mana Efficiency ? Whats atm better Disc. or Holy? :) Sry for bad english Greetz