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  1. Question >_>

    That's a point I'd love to debate all day :) One of the shamans strongest points is also a huge weakness. At 19 you perform best when you're amongst it, meleeing and snaring and so forth, however your only heal is a long slow very interruptible cast, so being up among the enemy melee...
  2. Question >_>

    o.0 Move to within a few yards of the feared guy(s) and drop tremor totem.
  3. Question >_>

    15 is fine, you won't have any problems. Just have to get started now if you want things like jutebraid, dawnblade, grizzled boots, champions cloak etc.
  4. Question >_>

    I think the whole chain is 14700 xp. I did it dead so no mob xp, and did all my discoveries at level 6-8. I use forest buckler for int set and arctic buckler for regen. Still need another evocators blade with 22 spirit for regen though. Depending what level your shaman is now it might not be...
  5. Question >_>

    I think Outkast uses an odd vowel in his name. He is really quite good so might be worth trying to dig him up. Oh, and here's the guy I'm working on: Babydiam
  6. Best Race for a 19 Warrior

    Don't underestimate blood fury. BAR crits for 40+ extra damage with it up. Burst on demand has ALWAYS been one of the main things defining who is victorious in WoW PvP. So have stamina and stuns however ;) Warstomp is a pretty poor stun for a warrior though, with a cast time it can be tricky...
  7. Fiery on my level 16 twink

    Just figured out a 3second burst for each with 210 ap assuming fiery on the mainhand, not on the offhand. Not much difference (around 0.2% in favor of buzz saw), so looks like wingblade main is the way to go, due to the better sustained. If your AP is higher it will skew further in favor of buzz...
  8. Fiery on my level 16 twink

    Each swing has an 81% chance to hit. You're going to miss 19% of the time no matter what weapon speed you use.... I can't figure how you got 18.888 and 17.314% if you're using 6 ppm, would you mind showing how you got those numbers?
  9. Fiery on my level 16 twink

    More hits with less chance to proc due to the weapon being faster. It's supposed to even out, that's how PPM works. If your math is showing otherwise I'd take a close look at it. Oh and yes I understand the 1.7 dps loss is from changing your mainhand from a 15.7 to a 14.0 dps weapon, I just...
  10. Fiery on my level 16 twink

    I'm not sure where the 'faster weapon will miss less' stuff comes from? I think you forgot to increase your offhand dps when you put wingblade in it, as a 1.7 dps loss would seem to indicate dual buzz saws. 0.85 loss I would think? Also keep in mind that the numbers will skew in favor of a...
  11. Instant Ghost wolf + earthbind will be so broken at 19

    It's really only rogues and mages that will be seriously hurt by this I think.
  12. INC, wave of druid/shammys

    Yeah. Hunters are a pain in the rear but you have all the advantages, if you lose (and I do sometimes), it's your own fault, play better. Rogues are easy. Warriors and druids are laughable. Paladins are a joke too. Haven't tried any locks or priests but it's pretty clear which way those would...
  13. Gorrote Spec

    Seems from the comments on the glyph of garrote wowhead page that all 3 equals 1.2 * 1.2 * 1.3 for 1.872 times your usual damage, so the formula would be (20 + AP * 0.07) * 11.232 damage over 15 seconds. 200 AP would be 5 ticks of about 76 damage.
  14. Oh my gawd! ><

    Shamans will eat hunters faces.
  15. So you wanna be a twink in the WSG?

    Maybe mention minor recombobulator under engineering?
  16. What to aim for on priests?

    The face. Aim for the face.
  17. 29 Warrior Guide

    Hey thanks, I didn't know they had changed intimidating shout to fear the primary target. Nifty.
  18. Swiftness Pots in 10v10s

    If you can't handle 'OP consumables' then don't step into a game where they'll be there. Just like if someone can't handle not using them, they better not step into a game where they're disallowed. Either way is weak.
  19. 19 Druid Thread.

    Bit curious about witching stave over blessed seer. Just to be able to switch to SP staff earlier I assume? Oh and out of curiousity on the topic of druids, how fast is HT with glyph? Faster than GCD? Strikes me that 5/5 genesis 3/3 moonglow would be pretty neat if so. 2/2 Nature's focus...
  20. Running backwards.. or Backstrafe If you will.

    This really helps a lot on kiting classes. On my hunter when a rogue pops sprint I just go monkey and backstrafe, throw in a couple of jukes, total waste of sprint. They might hit me once, twice if they're lucky. Yeah hunter vs rogue isn't a great example of how useful something is I know...