So you wanna be a twink in the WSG?

So you wanna be a twink in the WSG?

Tips and how to get ready to twink at 19

This is going to be an informative guide helping introduce some of the finer points of twinking to our newest targets.... err competition. Any ideas anyone posts are more than welcome. Please leave all insults over anyone's posts at the door. If you disagree with anything posted, please explain what you think is wrong with the tip or trick in question and what you would rather do in the situation and why.

Preparation: A... B.... C.....

This is the most important part of twinking. Planning your build is first thing you have to do when you want to start your twink.

Gear Guides - These will give you an idea of the scope that is involved with twinking at 19. The options, the optimizing every factor of your gear to be the best you possibly can for any situation that may arise.

Class Guides - Understanding the class you are going to play is fundamental to playing well.

Multiple gear sets: Not every situation is the same. Having the option to change gear sets for different fights or situations can determine the outcome greatly or just be a ton of fun.

Professions: Selecting the 2 professions that fit your class the best is important. Dynamically effecting play style and longevity.

1. Herbalism - By far the most powerful profession at 19. Allows you to gather herbs which you can sell or use to create consumables for you to use in the battlegrounds. Also, not to be overlooked is the ability that comes with this profession as you level it:

Lifeblood - A potent 720 health heal over 5 seconds. You will notice alot of enemies you encounter in the battlegrounds barely have 720 health. This will support you through so many fights it is not even funny.

2. Engineering - One of the most versatile and useful professions for any 19 twink. Cheap and easy to level to maximum at 19 and allows you access to great items, such as:

Green Tinted Goggles to fill out your gear till you are able to get a Lucky Fishing Hat (Find further information under Fishing later in the guide.)

Heavy Dynamite - Incredibly cheap, effective explosive allowing for great burst damage in a large area. All the Dynamites (Heavy , Coarse, Rough) can be cast while moving but have no incapacitate effect.

Big Bronze Bomb - Moderate cost for materials. Stuns anything hit by this explosive for 2 seconds allowing for a great advantage to turn any fight in your favor.

Minor Recombobulator - A good trinket to fill the slot prior to Insignia or Arena Grand Master

Crafted Heavy Shot - If you are using a gun, Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon (stats@19) over a bow, it will give you another point of dps over vendor ammunition.

Standard Scope - The best item enhancement you can apply to your bow or gun at 19. Can be found on the auction house, under consumables: item enhancement, or save a little gold and create a few while you level Engineering.

Skinning - Another gathering profession that gives benefits from skilling it to maximum level at 19, 225:

Master of Anatomy - 9 critical rating at 19 is 3.04% a great addition to a hunter, mage, shaman or rogue build.

4. Mining - A great way to self-fund yourself at 19 and another gathering profession that gives benefits from skilling it to maximum level at 19, 225:

Toughness - If you are searching for more health in the battlegrounds, this is a great way to top off a stamina build.

Secondary Professions: All of these are available to you at 19. Making use of them can lead to great fortunes and exceptional gear.

1. First Aid - As the ability to heal yourself completely in a matter of seconds, this is required. At Expert level First Aid you are able to use Heavy Runecloth Bandage. The ability to self-heal in WSG is not to be overlooked as you will find yourself without a healer quite often.

2. Fishing - In addition to being a great way to make money by skilling to over 400. You can use this profession to enter the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza and get yourself the best head piece for this battleground bracket, The Lucky Fishing Hat.

3. Cooking - Another way to make gold and self-fund yourself. Can now be skilled to over 400.

Addons: Making use of addons can improve your game play experience. Streamlining game play as well as allowing for creative and dynamic gear set ups.

1. Outfitter - Outfitter is an equipment management addon which gives you fast access to multiple outfits to optimize your abilities in PvP, automated equip and unequip for convenience doing a variety of activities, or to enhance role-playing.

2. Itemrack - This is a mod to make swapping equipment easier through pop-out slot menus, equip slot buttons, gear sets and automated swaps.

3. Gatherer - This will make any gathering profession 100x easier. Knowing where you have to go for the next level of your gathering will save you an incalculable amount of time. Use the import feature to download every node of ore and herb from
Now, before I get attacked I want to explain why I've re-posted this guide in its compacted and singular subject form.

The entire encompassing guide I was attempting to write didn't seem to fit my goal of preparing individuals to twink @ 19. It was clearly attempting to tackle subjects that didn't fall in the guide lines of my original goal. This preparation guide, in my eyes, does fit my goal of preparing individuals at the minimum of explaining how and what is viable at 19.

Exploration on the subject of preparing for 19 is more than welcome here.
Nice guide, i like the way you linked everything to wowhead.
LOL, I can't believe I forgot to include that. I've used it myself many times. I was definitely over-thinking this guide.
I also think a lot of people dont know where to go or what to discover to get a lot of items. And many people pass up best in slot items (eg I passed up arctic buckler when I made my pally). Many casters also pass up gravestone sceptor thinking they are only missing out on +1 spirit when in fact they are making a big mistake in a no mana dps stick. People hurry to get to level 19 and then realize they miss something.

In my opinion people shouldn't level past 10-12 without discovering every zone they will need. I think there should be a gear/quest list for casters or melee. people should be able to do their own research when making a twink.
There are gear lists, I linked to them at the top of the guide. Following the links in those will lead you to the quests that require for those items.

I think I'm not the only one that believes that making the process of twinking as clear and viable as possible to new players interested in joining our ranks only improves the situation the community faces.

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