Question >_>


That One OG
Question 'bout shaman twinking

would it be possible for me to twink a level 15 thats half way to 16 and still make it a decent twink? I went browsing through my character list and I found a shaman with a title (omg, amazing, I know, lol) and I'd like to give twinking a shaman a try before 3.2 comes out.

What spec / setup is the standard in BGs? I usually see healing shamans, but I wanna go for something a little different (no, not a melee shaman either ;P)
Before you waste a bunch of time and money, spamming lightening bolt will not get you very far in 19 PvP.

Head on over to the Twink Guides Section, hopefully something there will suit your desires.
Dietz said:
Before you waste a bunch of time and money, spamming lightening bolt will not get you very far in 19 PvP.

Head on over to the Twink Guides Section, hopefully something there will suit your desires.

Yea, I'm gonna have to use totems, all of my abilities that i get, hopefully i do find something, ty.
I usually see healing shamans, but I wanna go for something a little different (no, not a melee shaman either ;P)

you could always just vendor Lemonaid from the sidelines:p

but seriously, if you plan to pug I would make him a hybrid mele/heals seeing how they will make (already do actually) awesome FC's. you will need both if you do plan to pug. Battleshocks and Outkast (who I cant seem to be able to find the armory link to...) both are great mele and FC Shamans.
I think Outkast uses an odd vowel in his name. He is really quite good so might be worth trying to dig him up.

Oh, and here's the guy I'm working on: [char=Barthilas]Babydiam[/char]
Ymir said:
I think Outkast uses an odd vowel in his name. He is really quite good so might be worth trying to dig him up.

Oh, and here's the guy I'm working on: [char=Barthilas]Babydiam[/char]

how much exp did the shield put you back? o-o
canihascookie said:
how much exp did the shield put you back? o-o

I think the whole chain is 14700 xp. I did it dead so no mob xp, and did all my discoveries at level 6-8. I use forest buckler for int set and arctic buckler for regen. Still need another evocators blade with 22 spirit for regen though.

Depending what level your shaman is now it might not be a great option for you, but both those other shields are just as effective in different ways, particularly the arctic.

Anyway, more to the point, if you're not keen on melee and want to focus on WSG, I'd say stack up stamina and spellpower, get the stoneclaw glyph. You'll be happy with the result. Melee is still a useful tool, but you don't need to focus on it to be effective. Spellpower will increase your dps by more than any other stat anyway, assuming you keep searing down, lightning shield up, and shock on cooldown. Since it also helps your heals it's a pretty effective stat.

You do however need to use everything you have available, you can't be one-dimensional as a shaman. Healing when your team needs heals, dps when your team needs dps, snare, interrupt, dispel fear, burst damage, etc etc. A good example would be the difference between 1v1 against rogues and 1v1 against hunters. Vs the rogue you want to kite and throw lightning bolts when you can, vs the hunter you want to melee and only stop when you have to heal.
my shaman is level 15 atm, half way to 16, i know how to get the exploring done which isn't a problem, my only concern is quests x]
canihascookie said:
my shaman is level 15 atm, half way to 16, i know how to get the exploring done which isn't a problem, my only concern is quests x]

15 is fine, you won't have any problems. Just have to get started now if you want things like jutebraid, dawnblade, grizzled boots, champions cloak etc.
Ymir said:
I think the whole chain is 14700 xp. I did it dead so no mob xp, and did all my discoveries at level 6-8. I use forest buckler for int set and arctic buckler for regen. Still need another evocators blade with 22 spirit for regen though.

Depending what level your shaman is now it might not be a great option for you, but both those other shields are just as effective in different ways, particularly the arctic.

Anyway, more to the point, if you're not keen on melee and want to focus on WSG, I'd say stack up stamina and spellpower, get the stoneclaw glyph. You'll be happy with the result. Melee is still a useful tool, but you don't need to focus on it to be effective. Spellpower will increase your dps by more than any other stat anyway, assuming you keep searing down, lightning shield up, and shock on cooldown. Since it also helps your heals it's a pretty effective stat.

You do however need to use everything you have available, you can't be one-dimensional as a shaman. Healing when your team needs heals, dps when your team needs dps, snare, interrupt, dispel fear, burst damage, etc etc. A good example would be the difference between 1v1 against rogues and 1v1 against hunters. Vs the rogue you want to kite and throw lightning bolts when you can, vs the hunter you want to melee and only stop when you have to heal.

Shaman can't dispel fear, you're thinking a priest. Unless your thinking purge fear ward but that's not 19s.
Keep said:
Shaman can't dispel fear, you're thinking a priest. Unless your thinking purge fear ward but that's not 19s.


Move to within a few yards of the feared guy(s) and drop tremor totem.
Ymir said:

Move to within a few yards of the feared guy(s) and drop tremor totem.

Was the "dispel fear" I was thinking about, true about the totems just not as quick or easy.
Keep said:
Was the "dispel fear" I was thinking about, true about the totems just not as quick or easy.

That's a point I'd love to debate all day :)

One of the shamans strongest points is also a huge weakness.

At 19 you perform best when you're amongst it, meleeing and snaring and so forth, however your only heal is a long slow very interruptible cast, so being up among the enemy melee can prove dangerous to both yourself and your team mates.

It's a matter of playstyle really, for a pure backline healer, then yeah, it's clunkier to use. For someone who is closer to the front, it's easier to use. 1s GCD, no need to target, removes fear from multiple targets, pulses multiple times. It's definitely good against psychic scream, against warlock fears it's less useful as you're usually the guy being feared :p And of course precast tremor still suffers from the same problems as it always has, even if it's to a lesser extent these days.

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