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  1. GMs can delevel

    lol, nice man :D my guesses you got UBER lucky with the GM responding to your ticket, I doubt there's many GM's out there that would actually do that.
  2. Has anyone else noticed...

    and making this post made me miss the last zep for the 03 am chest at Gurubashi -.-
  3. Has anyone else noticed...

    yup :) Im there right now ^_^ I actually made my new acc just a month and a half ago, dinged 80, got the best pre-ulduar loot. then started applying to guilds. the fact that im going to the military next January, and my need to tell the truth is keeping me from entering a guild (guilds don't...
  4. Armor Kits

    /drunk. lost me there o.e
  5. what does this mean ?

    when I just logged in i saw a glimp of "adding a non *******" I don't know what it was or is, that's just what I saw, can anyone help me explain what it was or what it does ?
  6. Armor Penetration stacking?

    if he was a DK, then it would be AWESOME, as ArP is actually better than AP to DK, but a warrior, idk really.
  7. Cant wait!!

    welcome back man :D
  8. video - more 2v2 clips (brumble/genetic/conka)

    nice clips man :) I like your movies (btw nice move going for the w/e the thingy is called making it easier to detect stealthed chars in the first clip ^_^) many underestimate the thingy (way too drunk to remember it's name)
  9. Idea about 59 MS warrior

    I dont play a warrior, so I dont know, but isnt some of the Heroism peaces better?
  10. Sigs by Eurys

    btw, don't get me wrong, I love you work! but, is there any chance you could turn the blue in my sig to a more purple color ?
  11. Armor Kits

    it's "How To Serve Man" not "How To Server Man" :P
  12. you raff you ruse

    ah, this is not your video thank god, but lol, I want episode 2 !! xD hahaha, this IS funny xD
  13. you raff you ruse

    hahahahahahahahahahah xD! omg cant stop laughing xD hahahahahahahaha omg, im so sorry if you made this video, if you did, seek help (irl) hahahaha xD aaaah, this made my night
  14. Post your best streaming sites!

    if you're new to Anime I'd recommend Eureka 7, Bleach, Naruto and Soul Eater
  15. Post your best streaming sites!

    Ok, so I decided to make a post to share with you guys where I stream whatever I like to watch, and id like you guys to share with me/and the rest of the population on this site your favorite stream sites. :) I know most of you maybe download the series or w/e you're watching. I also...
  16. Sigs by Eurys

    SWEEEET :D *waffles you!*
  17. Omg blizzard...

    yeah it has happened to my server for ages as well, my server is Al'Akir one of the first servers to be launched, what I mean when i say Ive had this problem for 15 days is: it has been IMPOSSIBLE to enter a low-lvl instance the past 15 days, at least during the day.
  18. Sigs by Eurys

    lol, I see you spend most of your time at the Gurubashi Arena as well Twinky :P
  19. So amazing...

    had to be a swede, lol xD "jag är inte dum, jag är bare svensk."
  20. Omg blizzard...

    ok, well it does happen to my server, all the time, for the last idk.. 15 days ?"fixed overnight." I never expected it to be ? I didn't even complain the first week, now it's close to 3 weeks. and I still got the problem, don't tell me to be patient, this is Blizzard. they CAN fix it overnight...