Search results

  1. hardest mount?

    Hardest in my opinion would probably be the archaeology bug mount. Takes forever or a lot of luck to get. Not to mention it's sooo boring. Pretty sure you can get it at 70
  2. Urgent Question regarding Sunfire Robe!!!

    One of the comments on Wowhead. I can't confirm it though...
  3. Out-Played Boost

    According to your pally you are 2.4k with a 58%ish w-l. I don't see how you are going to carry to glad sorry.
  4. My youtube channel /spectral tiger giveaway

    Giving away a 500$ card for free? I'll be the first to call BS. Even if you don't play wow/like wow its still 500$...Also, the video of you drawing a spectral tiger card wouldn't make people skeptical at all.
  5. Arena Skirmishes

    Not just twinks, people at max level did too. They were the best way to test out new gear, specs, strats. They were also the best pass time ever. I don't remember a single time when the queues were over a minute. They were almost always instant. It was much more fun than sitting in a bg queue...
  6. Arena Skirmishes

    They said that there was not enough people using it. That was basically their excuse which was a lie because everyone did. They replaced it with wargames obviously which is so much worse. Found the blue post on it. They don't care.
  7. Xen that hurts

    Also, some people still have the old quest item, like my alt druid that I never play... at all.. /cry
  8. Keybind Setup For Disc Priest

    Then it shouldn't be a problem. For the most part, keybinding is all personal preference. You shouldn't worry to much about how you do it compared to others because hey, at least you aren't clicking. If anything, you can change your binds later it doesn't take that long to re learn them.
  9. Keybind Setup For Disc Priest

    Nope, the only issue you might encounter is using the modifier keys (CTRL, shift, alt), but you can work around it I guess. I would recommend adding 23456 to your keybinds since you are just moved over to the right from what most people use.

    Done before. Nothing to see here, move along.
  11. Only few races able to get to the XP turn off guy at level 1?

    Warlock summon, have group will travel, link up with RAF and summon. There are options.
  12. Judge my Sig

    I really like it ngl. Simple, different, looks great.
  13. Arena season 10 ending question

    The new date is the 29th by the way. As for the question I'm not sure. I'd assume not because the level 70 teams need to be wiped and such, but I'm not positive.
  14. Feeling down

    I feel your pain.. sort of. 31 ragnaros kills on my druid, 3 sets of bindings, and no eye of sulfuras yet. Got it the first run on my lock though..
  15. Stream lag anyone able to help?

    I HEARD is better. Haven't tested it though. Goodluck and let me know if it helps. I would like to stream also but xfire just isn't good.
  16. A Idea and huge 70 tournament!

    Just join the BC tourny server. Done.
  17. 70-74 -> XXXX rating -> lvl to 85 -> Arena Title

    Yeah because 85; win trading, arena boosting, mmr exploitation, new fotms like everyday, broken mmr system, un-obtainable r1, is so much better than this.
  18. 70-74 -> XXXX rating -> lvl to 85 -> Arena Title

    Pretty sure it works. I know for a fact you can do it for T2 wep, not positive for glad. If you don't want to get caught, do it under the radar. Get 2600+ or w/e glad is on your bg, level to 84, wait until last day of the season then level/do a game to get on the board. Wouldn't go for r1, that...
  19. R.I.P Doomsday Messenger Board

    Wait what, I still have the board on my priest.
  20. Why bother Wintrading ?

    Just to raise their E-Peen of course. They obviously aren't successful on their mains, so they go as low as to wintrade at 70 where blizz doesn't care. Not that they care about 85 with exploiters getting glad etc... But you know.