70-74 -> XXXX rating -> lvl to 85 -> Arena Title

Is it possible to get XXXX rating then lvl to 85 and get an arena title at the end of the season? Have anyone tested that? is the twink team moved to lvl 85 teams?
It is possible from what i have heard, but you are most likely to get reported and your title will be removed.

This is what i can reckon has happened in the past.
Pretty sure it works. I know for a fact you can do it for T2 wep, not positive for glad. If you don't want to get caught, do it under the radar. Get 2600+ or w/e glad is on your bg, level to 84, wait until last day of the season then level/do a game to get on the board. Wouldn't go for r1, that would get a lot of notice.
These kind of bads who can't get legit glad ruin le bracket. Inb4 blizzard removing lower level arena ^^
Yeah because 85; win trading, arena boosting, mmr exploitation, new fotms like everyday, broken mmr system, un-obtainable r1, is so much better than this.
ITS NOT POSSIBLE, since your team wont "get in" the same bracket as the 85's, you will just end up with a unranked team at 85, you are able to buy the elit gear tho, if your 2.2k+, but the team itself stays unranked and wont show up on their ladder. I have tested it myself

EDIT: playing a game or two when your 85 wont help either, team will be staying unranked.
I'm not sure how this works exactly but my level70 team is actually ranked in the 85 bracket, maybe it's a bug but i don't know

http://eu.battle.net...wirbelsturm/2v2 check team #9

So can you confirm you really can't level and get titles?

I admit it, that is a bit silly, i will try to do some research and see if something has changed, but from past story i have heard, no one ever made it to by-pass Blizzard, not to mention that at least one person will for sure end up reporting you, resulting into a Game Master research, title being removed ( if you ever get it ) and a perhaps ban period.

Just what i can see happening.
I'm not sure how this works exactly but my level70 team is actually ranked in the 85 bracket, maybe it's a bug but i don't know

http://eu.battle.net...wirbelsturm/2v2 check team #9

So can you confirm you really can't level and get titles?

When we did it we never got in to the normal 85 ladder, we stayed unranked for weeks, and I know other's who was unranked aswell untill disbanding and making a new team at 85, no idea how you got in to the bracket tho, since youre still 70 :S
a few season back alot of ppl were doin it and would be very easy this season if all you wanted was glad from 70 rating if ur on US get about 2500 (win trade 3s when ques down if u had to) then lvl as expected glad rating is only 2450 - 2500 this season as i was told by lyyht and ofc stay in team dont leave profit etc.

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