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  1. 15 or 16 Twink ideas.

    you leveled your 19 BiS rogue to 20 just because of you not having fun, i can see that but then just to make a new character in the same bracket?... who says you'll enjoy it this time, imo you should've just rerolled a new twink first
  2. EU - Alliance needs more rogues?

    i'd have to admit that
  3. EU - Alliance needs more rogues?

    actually i use my num buttons 1-9,.,+,- but i have . and + also bound to my mouse, i play with the numberic part of my keyboard and my 9button mouse; for people who don't know why i don't just bind the keys to my WASD ; ITS CALLED AN AZERTY KEYBOARD where those buttons are on other places, so...
  4. Counter a hunter!

    frost mage, Blink, frost nova, freeze(from elemental pet) slow from frostbolt... with a nice usage of LoS you can win...
  5. T-shirt entries here

    lol Dìzzy no offence but thats a rogue and a huntard, the classes you see most at 19 but are hated >.<
  6. Counter a hunter!

    Prot paladin
  7. Help choosing a class :\

    yer just pissed because your a rogue. gg /ignore
  8. Help choosing a class :\

    this actually depends on how you like to play and what you would like to do; for example if you want to do some ranged dmg and keep players away from you go for hunter or mage; if you more like to be going on direct damage you can go warrior or rogue, if you like to heal you can go...
  9. EU - Alliance needs more rogues?

    LoL noticed how they aren't keybound? theyr just in a hotbar; learn facts or gtfo kkthxbb /ignore
  10. EU - Alliance needs more rogues?

    /care - look at yours, then at mine; whats the difference? nothing because we both can work with them now gtfo. (atleast i hope for you, you can)
  11. EU - Alliance needs more rogues?

    atleast i have a head slot item with stats.
  12. Old twink

    Pre-be = Vanilla? tell me please, how?! there wern't BG's back then right??...
  13. T-shirt entries here

    damn you guys are srsly good at editing o.o
  14. Lvl 19 Prot Pala Any Good?

    there actually were only Prot and Good in the sentance ^^
  15. EU - Alliance needs more rogues?

    every WSG? howmanny you think i've done ^^
  16. Horde problems in wsg.

    haven't played with Sucredorge in a wsg yet but if you mean rasta and pandura by and crew you're wrong, they aren't midfarmers, their good players who have been twinking for long time. ~ Theyz my guildies and have skills even tho hunters are OP.
  17. T-shirt entries here

    or maybe this ^^ but i'm spamming this thread now >.< im make some later maybe :o (my skills still suck :p)
  18. T-shirt entries here

    BTW is there anybody who can put this on a shirt?
  19. T-shirt entries here

    got the idea from DesH's shirt so full credit goes to him ^^
  20. Lvl 19 Prot Pala Any Good?

    i only finish off with 2 exo's when their at 500hp; stun and 2x exorcism = win :P (most of the times ^^)