EU - Alliance needs more rogues?

I'd rather have a team of near-bis twinks without lfh or agm that know that how to play than a full team of BiS idiots.
Also whats up with having engineering, FA, cooking and smelting on your bar?

do you have it to click really quick soo you can make more wool bandages?
curleypwnsu said:
Mesh brah u take reigns on ally I'm done for prob 2+ weeks idk but u gotta lead the ally :)

Don't worry mate. I'll dedicate my SS focus kicks to you ;)
elocon said:
Also whats up with having engineering, FA, cooking and smelting on your bar?

do you have it to click really quick soo you can make more wool bandages?

LoL noticed how they aren't keybound? theyr just in a hotbar; learn facts or gtfo kkthxbb

elocon said:
Also whats up with having engineering, FA, cooking and smelting on your bar?

do you have it to click really quick soo you can make more wool bandages?

I loled hard. good notice.
Securehealth said:
LoL noticed how they aren't keybound? theyr just in a hotbar; learn facts or gtfo kkthxbb

I never said anything about keybound, looks like alot of your keys aint binded and those who are are really stupid. I really doubt you press on 9 for example.

If you even consider that to be a argument, then:


Also here is a guide to help you keybind (properly): WoW Practice – Finding An Effective Way On How To Learn: II. Keybinds
Just want to point out, regarding the keybinds thingy, that some mouses with multiple buttons, like ex the logitech g700 that im using, cant be recognized by WoW and thus cannot be used if u dont assign some keys on them as macros via their software. EX i use to have num6,7,8,9,0 specified to mouse buttons so sometimes screenshots cant be that accurate.*I doubt tho that this is the case here:pP

Just wanting to say that it may appear as ex num9 in the screenie but u dont push num9 but the directed button on ur mouse or whatever:)
Curley, i face-rolled you, with my rogue @ Gurbashi Arena on Inception. Even though there wasn't any los i hold this to you.

NocturnoCulto said:
Just want to point out, regarding the keybinds thingy, that some mouses with multiple buttons, like ex the logitech g700 that im using, cant be recognized by WoW and thus cannot be used if u dont assign some keys on them as macros via their software. EX i use to have num6,7,8,9,0 specified to mouse buttons so sometimes screenshots cant be that accurate.*I doubt tho that this is the case here:pP

Just wanting to say that it may appear as ex num9 in the screenie but u dont push num9 but the directed button on ur mouse or whatever:)

actually i use my num buttons 1-9,.,+,- but i have . and + also bound to my mouse, i play with the numberic part of my keyboard and my 9button mouse; for people who don't know why i don't just bind the keys to my WASD ; ITS CALLED AN AZERTY KEYBOARD where those buttons are on other places, so don't argue if you don't know anything about it.
Wittyscrub said:
Curley, i face-rolled you, with my rogue @ Gurbashi Arena on Inception. Even though there wasn't any los i hold this to you.


Brah I was sub with no LOS
siwtz said:
You will never get "enough" of one class! :) But i will admit that we lack on healers :>

In US we definitely lack healers on ally and FC's mostly its all hunters, rogues, and mages.
Securehealth, i wasnt arguing with noone...I was just saying that sometimes UI screenies can be confusing regarding the keybinding cause of the reason i stated.

Butbut you are retarded arent you?
NocturnoCulto said:
Securehealth, i wasnt arguing with noone...I was just saying that sometimes UI screenies can be confusing regarding the keybinding cause of the reason i stated.

Butbut you are retarded arent you?

i'd have to admit that

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