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  1. Bracket Dying?

    On Mondays and Tuesdays this bracket feels like it's dying (or wishful thinking). Most games are completely skewed. You can look at the roster in the first minute and know how it's going to play out. You can tell your team what which player will do, and they will still fall for it. So...
  2. Cross-Realm Heirlooms - Interesting Blue Post

    Honestly as good as this would be for everyone, it will probably go the same path as tabard storage system and dance studios.
  3. Where are all the Priests?

    This along with hybrids who never ever ever cast a heal, or crappy 900 health/holy priests who go around casting shield on everyone when it only absorbs for 300 are amongst my biggest pet peeves in teammates. Never mind, the list of teammate annoyances is too long. It's a wonder we don't all...
  4. Resilience scalling at 24?

    I'm almost certain that "casting" water shield is in fact instant and not really casting, because shamans always get awesome things like that.
  5. Priest trinket priority

    I've ran all the combinations. If you're going to play your priest a lot, it's worth it to be able to switch out depending on your team. AGM is good for if you have to be the flag carrier or you just want to live through some 24s bashing you. I really like having the int trinket, but usually...
  6. Obtaining hit rating on a Starter Edition Priest [A]

    so in other words, no optimal way of doing it? What's the best way with the least sacrifice? Should have posted this in f2p where all those guys that number crunch look at stuff.
  7. To answer Imirak

    Kale said he was going to attempt a name change via the old way (where you delete your toon, make a new toon same name on same server, request a restore of old toon, name is taken, must get new name). He said if it didn't work, oh well. BTW, don't know how to send PM because looked through all...
  8. recommended arena class for 70 guild rep capping

    Didn't they nerf all the group quests so that everyone could do them solo?
  9. Mist of Panderias first victims !

    Agree with Duskwood being bad drop rate. Did quests there, got like 2. Did quests on Bloodmyst, seemed like every other mob or every third mob dropped one. I don't really remember because I was more concerned with the quests.
  10. Obtaining hit rating on a Starter Edition Priest [A]

    Engineering hat? But you have LFH huh?
  11. Why did you make your class?

    How do you pronounce Yde then? Because I always think Yeed like weed
  12. Mist of Panderias first victims !

    1) FFS this! 2) If I haven't had to trinket a pally stun, I'll usually trinket the initial conc shot to get away...lame that that's a technique I use and successfully 3) have you tried Bloodmyst Island? I think Yde farmed over 100 antivenom. Personally I've only ever used like 5
  13. US needs more Horde

    The biggest hurdle I find to rolling horde is the quest chains for gear. I dread even doing the 2 quests to get Seal of Argas (I only play healers). I don't know if it's because I hate playing alone or quests are just twice as long as heals. Anyone found a way to psych themselves over this...
  14. double-agm as a non-human paladin?

    Whew, thought I was missing out on something grand here!
  15. Robes of Insight

    If it was me, I would roll a 70 or 80 twink and transmog the eff out of it (though I've always liked the pink version better). In fact, I thought about doing that very thing as I used to enjoy it so much on my draenei.
  16. The Real Ned Flanders ?

    The real Ned Flanders is based off a professor from Oral Robert's University. disclaimer: I am not a Simpson's nerd, but had a roommate who spent a year at ORU
  17. double-agm as a non-human paladin?

    Am I slow, I thought the insignias had a 5 min cd?
  18. F2P Tales of Woe [Lost Need Rolls, PvP, etc]

    Yesterday while leveling up my newest f2p, saw a geared hunter in wsg...who was botting, without even a pet out. Who bots the most OP class through the only time they are good?
  19. Tips for a new F2P twink? :)

    I'd say the real gearing difference is how gear is obtained. In my opinion, it is easier to gear up on alliance because there are more quest rewards in the dungeons. Horde side, a lot of the good rewards are from quests outside of dungeons so it takes longer because you have to run dungeons...
  20. We all know Hunters are OP... are they the best duelers though?

    I have been wing clipped once in this bracket, when the hunter ran 5 yards over to me to hit melee me. I was just amazed.