Cross-Realm Heirlooms - Interesting Blue Post


boomer shaman
MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies

Bind on Account items
In terms of Bind on Account items, we believe that using the mail system to transfer heirlooms from one character to another is less than ideal. We’d like to work ourselves away from that sort of item distribution model, and have some design goals in mind that would change the mechanics of how heirlooms are distributed in-game.

We think it would be wonderful to simplify the system so that, for example, you might have a constant heirloom page across all your characters that you could peruse and select from at your leisure. Conceivably, we could do something similar for pets and mounts.

As always, these sorts of design ideas are constantly being evaluated. I just think it’s worth pointing out we’re not currently aiming to create a system that would allow players to mail heirlooms across realms or accounts. We believe that would be a sub-optimal design, and we have better solutions in mind for the future.

What do you think? Could end up being good or bad, based on their "better solutions in mind"..
Sounds logic to me
This makes me very happeh.

I have toons on 6 different servers (theres my horde server, my alliance server, my 39 server, my 70 server, and a few others). And grinding heirlooms for all of those is so bothersome.
Honestly as good as this would be for everyone, it will probably go the same path as tabard storage system and dance studios.
The "constant heirloom page" would be nice. I seem to lose them in the mail and a gm can only find them half the time.
I was bored last week and got 2 of my toons from different realms on different accounts (same Real-ID) into an RFC and tried trading an heirloom. Oddly enough, instead of giving an error instead the trade window just immediately closes and says "Trade Cancelled". Blizz already thought this through. Tried a bunch of variations, with macros and lag. Would not go through. Blizz lied about it simply being technically unfeasible, they do not want this happening for other reasons otherwise the trade would have worked flawlessly.
If they had cross realm I would have lots of twinks
I think there were be more players leveling if you could do this

This was a very nice post thanks for the update

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