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  1. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    We actually just had some idiot from a local 60 twink guild steal half our gbank on Ragnaros Horde, lol. I sent him a nice little note explaining that if he needed 200k gold that badly, he could've just asked nicely. It's already getting restocked though, so no biggie. keysersoze glittering...
  2. Jadyne

    It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command

    Hehe, give it time. I'm sure we'll get a recruit or two out of this Rubikz. Despite the stereotypes, there's clearly a number of players in 20-24 who want a better competitive and resilient community, but simply don't have time to build it themselves. And there's probably a few people who don't...
  3. Jadyne

    It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command

    A lot of interesting stuff to respond to now. =) Glad to hear it. Just because it's a game doesn't mean it isn't demoralizing to have work undone. I have sympathy for anyone who has had guildies abandon them. I don't know what the circumstances were exactly, and it's hard to dispute the...
  4. Jadyne

    Dreamcast Vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    That definitely sounds like a better way to do it yeah. =)
  5. Jadyne

    How's the bracket
  6. Jadyne

    It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command

    The entire attitude and "culture" around premades is just messed up. Too many people view premades as a way to gain or lose leverage in calling other people bad. That's been a problem, particuarly in the lower brackets, since Vanilla. However, when a group or community decides they want...
  7. Jadyne

    How Old Are You?

    Lol, yeah seriously, I feel enough like an old man going going to university at my age. Apparently I'm even older in WoW. >.<
  8. Jadyne

    Dreamcast Vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    I'm curious to see how this one goes as well. It's cool to see so many guilds trying to arrange premades, even considering the inevitable fallout when people take a single premade too seriously. =/
  9. Jadyne

    How Old Are You?

    Hehe, in vanilla a played alongside a 50 year old math teach. Badass rogue in pve at a time when you actually had to be good to make it. Tho I have to admit, I never saw him pvp.
  10. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <VC> vs <SIR>: The beginning of a new era for 39s.

    Psh, is that all you have to say for yourself? I WANT SOME EARS GODDAMNIT.
  11. Jadyne

    It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command

    To be fair, if you've never faced another coordinated premade team before, it's hard to know what you're going to be up against when you actually do. I still remember the first time my 39 guild faced a legit premade. We got crushed 3 times, then barely pulled out a single narrow win after...
  12. Jadyne

    It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command

    Heh, blame the victim eh? It's difficult to go far and build very much when you're working with people who think it's alright to raid a gbank. It's fine as long as you're successful, but if something goes wrong, you have a falling out or lose face, and suddenly you find that those people who...
  13. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <VC> vs <SIR>: The beginning of a new era for 39s.

    I already covered most of this in the 20-24 forum thread. As for this forum, I already talked to a mod about posting here, and he said it was okay as long as I signaled what these threads were referring to. This, the [WotLK] tag I added at the beginning of the thread title. Ofc, if the powers...
  14. Jadyne

    It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command

    Personally, I find it more troubling that people ninjaed from someone's guild vault before starting their own separate guild, than that they lost or that they left because they lost. I find it troubling that you spent that post only defending yourself about why you left, and didn't say a...
  15. Jadyne

    Guilds capable of fielding a premade team

    Hey guys, lets just take the ToU issue at face value for now. Many people actually do take those seriously. Early on when I was recruiting for Molten, I ran across an actual group of players who figured that playing on a private server is illegal. I researched this partly out of curiosity, and...
  16. Jadyne

    what to do...

    I first got hooked on playing a shadow priest back when it was the "wrong" spec at best, and underpowered at worst. Part of the reason I played 39 twinks at first was because I didn't want to have shadowform, and it was a level 40 talent at the time. I guess I just hate the idea that if I played...
  17. Jadyne

    what to do...

    That fact just makes me sick (emphasis mine).
  18. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <VC> vs <SIR>: The beginning of a new era for 39s.

    Gotta get that post count back up eh? ;) You gonna make it to the premade?
  19. Jadyne

    Guilds capable of fielding a premade team

    Well, I played before xp-off/xp-on bgs were instituted, and tbh 20-24 doesn't sound much worse than how 70-80% of twinks were back then too. We still build competitive and fun communities in spite of that at 39 at least.