[WotLK] <VC> vs <SIR>: The beginning of a new era for 39s.


39 Evangelist
What: 10v10 WSG Premade Match
Who: <Voodoo Child> vs <Santa Isnt Real>
When: Friday, May 23th, 7:30pm PST, 10:30 EST
Where: Molten, the 39 twink mecca.
Why: It's what we've been after all this time, silly!

So I established <Voodoo Child> in March with the plan to build a team for premade matches. A month or so later, Bigboydots joined Molten and established <Santa Isnt Real> in order to premade against us, and they've been... throwing their weight around ever since. Memorial Day weekend is going to be the beginning of weekly showdowns between our guilds. Bigboydots seems to think they're going to wipe the floor with us, but we'll see about that.

We're going to arrange to have as many players as possible streaming the game, hopefully as many as 3-4.

Let the trash talking and trolling commence! Seriously though, if you want to do a serious post here, fine, but don't take anyone else in here too seriously. Hopefully we can have a little fun trolling each other like it's 2008. XD

2x each class max.
No outside buffs or consumables except Bandages, Iron Grenades, and non-buffing food/water.

Depending on how things go, and on how much time people have for farming, we can loosen up those rules for later premade matches ofc.
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Yo Dots, what's with all the ganking of my guildies and stuff, eh? Just dot and run, like any other noob warlock.

I'm putting out a bounty for <Santa Isnt Real> players. 10g per ear. Left ears only you cheapskates.
stuff and things
got some good drama in here

Drama's for hacks and small minded fools. But since y'all are here, you might as well write a few bodice-rippers, chumps.

Protip: when you know the audience is too slow to catch on, do a little spoon feeding, maybe link a word to it's definition just in case they can't find their dictionary, etc.
petrificus totalus
This thread has no business in this section and on top of that it is promoting/advertising something that is against Blizzard's terms of use that all retail players agree to.

You do realize that you are posting this on a website with an "Account Sales" section, correct? This thread is attempting to catch the attention of both old and new 39s, it has EVERY business being in this section.
This is the 39 twink forum. Retail TOU doesn't apply to people who don't play retail, nor to twinkinfo.

If blizzard wanted our business they would balance twink brackets. They came out stating they wouldn't put any attn to twinks for WoD
No it's not specifically for retail twinks. In fact there is no retail 39 activity.

If blizzard wanted our business they would fix low level pvp after all these years. It's only gotten worse
This is the 30-39 twinking forum for players that twink in this bracket on retail servers. There's a private server section for a reason even though it is against the terms of use. Because this is a subsection for retail WoW players, I'm sure a lot of the viewers/posters are clicking accept to Blizzard's terms of use so that they can play on retail servers.

Private servers are illegal because they are not licensed by Blizzard and are violating various laws like copyright laws.

What you are doing is trying to get players into something illegal, lime drug dealing in real life.

There is no 39 activity currently on retail. Most of the people who gave the 39s activity for the past 3 years have unsubbed retail. They may, however, still check TI once in a while, so this is where people post to get those former 39s' attention.

If you're a little low on cash, I can probly front you something and you can pay me back after you sell it. Then you can pay for multiple Blizzard subs to make yourself feel good.
TIL playing on a private server is lime dealing drugs. except i dont get paid to play on a private server

no one gives a shit about blizzs rules buddy. they (old leadership) tried to push that for awhile cuz they thought they would get legit hookups like wowhead and mmochamp, but blizz doesnt get two farts about twinks so it failed miserably
This is the 30-39 twinking forum for players that twink in this bracket on retail servers. There's a private server section for a reason even though it is against the terms of use. Because this is a subsection for retail WoW players, I'm sure a lot of the viewers/posters are clicking accept to Blizzard's terms of use so that they can play on retail servers.

Private servers are illegal because they are not licensed by Blizzard and are violating various laws like copyright laws.

What you are doing is trying to get players into something illegal, lime drug dealing in real life.

I already covered most of this in the 20-24 forum thread. As for this forum, I already talked to a mod about posting here, and he said it was okay as long as I signaled what these threads were referring to. This, the [WotLK] tag I added at the beginning of the thread title. Ofc, if the powers that be decide that is insufficient, I trust they'll let me know and I'll adjust my behavior accordingly.
oh and ya i should be back from work in plenty of time for the start

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