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  1. Please remove twinks with blacksmith from the 24 list sticky.

    And also CALM DOWN SUSAN BOYLE its just a game.
  2. Please remove twinks with blacksmith from the 24 list sticky.

    I chose BS because I get to make like this swagalicious sword.
  3. I'm bek

    ohai kids im bek pnadrapepnadrape
  4. [24] <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone - Alliance, US

    BB and Nick caught on tape!!
  5. The Hit list

    Oh! You mean dodge! Sorry I only speak English
  6. The Hit list

    what is doj?
  7. The Hit list

  8. The Hit list

    lol this thread is gonna start ALOT of shit
  9. 24 Disc Priest. Rate meh.

    Awesome job! You're getting there! You just need Charged rings, the hit rating wand cant remember the name lol, 15+ Spell Power to Bracers 16+ Spell power to Gloves, On your chest use +4 Stats apart from that ur doing well!
  10. lf ACTIVE 24 guild

    Horde Invasion is currently one of the most active 24 guilds out there. They do gnomer runs almost 24/7, Own Gurubashi arena for guildy AGMs and there are ALWAYS people online wanting to do BGs. I think your paly is already in the guild judging by ur sig so u should know :D
  11. My First youtube vid!

    Isnt all software free on the internet?
  12. Hey!

    no im calling this out because of that sig being totally misleading and sladerous
  13. Hey!

    Nah you got it all wrong. The point of this thread is to point out the rubbish that this bracket is turning into both on TI and in game
  14. Hey!

    its not about what forum section that they post in the point is that 20s and 24s are very hostile to eachother for stupid reasons
  15. Hey!

    Idk why everyone has decided to quote a post I posted and have it as their sig thing i dont even know... Firstly that isnt even the whole post the full post was "lol im terrible... ok nick..." As anyone with half a brain (me soon) can see it is obvious sarcasm. You people removed the rest of the...
  16. Cloth hierlooms

    Ok for a 24 spriest: Use the PvE looms for damage/ healing if you decide to go disc (which will be op in MoP) Use the PvP ones (esp staff) for FCing but you probably wont be doing much of that.
  17. Rate my warlock & paladin!

  18. Consumables in a Premade

  19. Funding 4 players on Bh. Us.

    What do you mean by funding? I'm interested in making a 29