Cloth hierlooms


Jøldal Förebild
What hierlooms should I get for my upcoming 24 spriest? I've seen alot of ppl use the pvphierlooms instead of the pve ones, why? In my eyes the pve ones are a bit better, how much does the damagereduction really give vs the stats u loose? Tell me what u think that I should get and why. :)
I'd personally go straight for the PvE ones... the only time I take resi over DPS stats on a twink outside of the 60-80 range is at level 10, and thats only because everything scales hillariously at level 10... 8 resi is like 20% reduction or something in that region
Ok for a 24 spriest:

Use the PvE looms for damage/ healing if you decide to go disc (which will be op in MoP)

Use the PvP ones (esp staff) for FCing but you probably wont be doing much of that.

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