[24] <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone - Alliance, US

Bump n lookin for people 2* play yugioh with, msg for my r-id n dueling network!!!
Looking for one more Affliction Warlock for a second ten man comp we are working on, this would be different from the Core however, but still would see play in weekly wargame Battlegrounds and Arenas with other guilds.
Hi Catrage here ummm I wana see what you guys think of me. Heres my link to my armory Catrage @ Spirestone - Game Guide - World of Warcraft . BB you know me already so... ya lol

Your guy is almost Full BiS but you are missing some pieces Ludacrit @ Spirestone - Game Guide - World of Warcraft (look at non-weapons) that is BiS. Come MoP i believe +20 Spell Pen may become BiS enchant (will become +20 PvP power). Try to get another pair of Prison boots with +7 agility (if you don't have them already).. Try to get those rare spawn bracers (RnG will forever be RnG)!!
f2ps cant join guilds :(. but i can get decent gear.

Hey there Rob, as of right now we don't have F2P integrated into our guild activities, however many members have started making P2P level 20s on the realm with F2P restrictions to try and get some more premades going with F2P groups. Once we are done gearing our toons, specific to the gear sets we already have made, we'll start opening it up to any F2Ps who are interested in playing with us. I'll keep you updated when this is :)

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