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  1. 22 Sub Rogue w/ Dual BvB... wassup

    maybe agi to cloak instead of PVP power? I don't Think the pvp power will be holding up in WoD. But since that's the future and this is the present. cool rogue. swag LFH.
  2. Engineering and gold

    Leveled it recently. my server econ is atrocious and I managed to do it with 613 gold in a rush. I find silver, bronze and steel were what killed me. But that's just my server and the time i leveled it the price on those items was through the roof. Everything else wasn't more than a few gold per...
  3. What our bracket does not need.

    Whether you agree or not. Regardless of the circumstances. 5 minutes on that deserter buff is pretty kind. Enter match. "Oh wow, they're being what I personally would consider unfair." /afk said match. talk to friends, duel, troll general chat, take a smoke break, listen to music, reque." And...
  4. What our bracket does not need.

    Not good for the bracket when done in premades vs premades. However, I'm assuming you're a 24 warrior fc with heals and you're likely not the only 24 there. They are stalemating the match so they don't get steamrolled. I don't mind when this happens because of that reason. I've yet to see anyone...
  5. need people to que with

    Wins I find are pretty even. Try changing up your q times. Also you got screwed out of a cap because you enabled farming that's on you. I find some really incompetent pugs too your only options are to just remember it's a game or find a dog trainer.
  6. anyone with WoD beta...

    Anyone with beta able to try out low level fury warr pvp? 19-29 maybe some duels if possible. I've read about the changes that may go live and I'm getting pretty stoked. But I don't want to resub come expansion if fury isn't somewhat useful (I know arms is looking pretty brutal atm) I just...
  7. Is insulting necessary?

    nah man. insults are for the birds. I try to live by this and those moments I can't are the times I realize that I should probably log off and take a nap or do something more productive than play a game. The moment I get frustrated enough to trash somebody is the moment I have defeated the...
  8. Crit stacked prot warrior

    Heavy Jade Ring - Item - World of Warcraft Dread Pirate Ring - Item - World of Warcraft forgot these two rings and the 5/5/5 satchel belt or . Now I think I covered everything. All gear and enchants not linked will come up with a quick google...
  9. Crit stacked prot warrior

    Damn I equpped my FC set just before my time ran out :P. Basically FC gear with a few tweaks and changes. Refer to 24 in sig. same everything except change the shoulder/helm/leg/cloak boas to the mail ones with crit on them. Use Scorched leg armour, greater inscription of the blade for the...
  10. Miss me? Duopaladin

    "I left for (idk no more than a couple weeks?) I'm back guys did everyone miss me!?" The WoW community is an odd bunch.
  11. BiS WW Monk armory?

    All good points. Though it's best to gear for the present with the future in mind. though what was said applies to now as well so fair game. One thing, fist of fury does indeed channel a good bit faster with lifeblood up. It also gets faster with any added haste. True enough you'd have to stack...
  12. BiS WW Monk armory?

    pick up herbalism. It will be all the haste you'll need man. 94 for 20 secs. I wouldn't go for a haste build on any melee class tbh. Monk white hits are hard but not hard enough to justify a haste build. Or I don't think so anyway. Fists would proc faster and maybe the DoT from Karma. Your...
  13. BiS WW Monk armory?

    Agi/stam. Balance. You won't crit big like a rogue no matter how much agi you stack. Crit is good but since you won't be getting burst with your crits go for a good balance. You'll put out consistent dps with better survival and your karma will hit alittle harder with a nice stam/agi build. My...
  14. BiS WW Monk armory?

    Tsunni @ Muradin - Community - World of Warcraft mines coming along. just need the gnomer 5/5 cuffs. dont think I want an AGM slot over the 10 hit/ 4 stam trink. hit is pretty rewarding for monks.
  15. 10v10 Wargames with rewards!

    today is the big day...
  16. Hotshots x2

    farming another pair of those myself. Good luck to us both :D
  17. Hotshots x2

    what other BoEs did you get from all those runs?
  18. Caverndeep Trudgers

    Grats. gonna try to farm up a pair for my pally too.
  19. WW monk

    I refer to p2ps (and all hunters) when I say I do well in a BG with a particular class /spec as do most. This is the 20-24 forum after I agree. I don't expect a particularly high level of maturity or tact when it comes to world of warcraft/twinking but can't people holding some kind of apparent...
  20. WW monk

    DS will proc frequently but those burst problems will be negated a bit with Mongoose 90 agi-30 haste on proc. Monks get quite a few hits in. it won't be as frequent as DS but I'd say WW is the only class/spec that can put mongoose to proper use. It will proc more than you'd expect dual weilded...