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  1. Games to play while WoW is down

    Battlefield heroes beta <3 and besides that online poker
  2. random cool wow pictures!

    every dude who is 5 boxing shamans are spamming those pentagrams..
  3. WTB Of The Bear/Gorilla (19)

    Dubbel poster!! Throw rocks at him!
  4. Thank You All...

    Although i'm new to the communitie, this site has already become a "mutiple checks a day" site for me for more information and discussions about twinks and the world around them. So like these other poster, i thank you, Drayner, for making this great site and keeping it live and active :)...
  5. shoulder realization.

    Have you been living under a rock the last couple of days? They will ALSO nerf the shoulder enchants for BOA shoulders IF the changes will be the same as they are now on the PTR.. oh god.
  6. wow wtf blizz nerfed us again gg, this is a SLAP IN THE FACE (Joke Thread)

    They don't, they have been nerfed a long long time ago, you even got banned for wearing the enchant on your twink when it wasnt nerfed yet :D
  7. @All twinks. New PTR changes.

    I really think blizzard doesn't care about twinks one bit.. They already stated that Twinking isn't a intended feature of the game, so they wont put any time or effort into the twinking scene to optimize it. If they change something in the end-game part of the game that influence the twinks...
  8. Level 10 Warrior Twink out there...

    That's just facking sick... bit lame though... but still sick haha
  9. 79 interest

    If you are a warrior that want to twink 79's, Grind rep in northrend with the Walrus fella's, the fishing rod has 187 dps and requires level 70
  10. Rayu the Explorer

    Sick O.o i wont be doing that anyways haha.. but Great job!
  11. 19 Twink Shaman Guide

    Great guide, using as we speak. Keep the updates coming ;)