Thank You All...


I want to take a moment to simply say thank you. Thanks for joining me here on this site. Thanks to those that helped me getting it going too. The other mods and bloggers that contribute have been very instrumental in getting this popping. The activity is really making happy. The traffic has exceeded my expectations. Thanks!

When I started this a couple years ago, I planned for it to be for Vengeance battlegroup twinks. That didn't work out so I made it a personal twink bitch/complain/brag blog. Now it's a mixture of that and information. Without members, I would still be talking to myself. I did that for more than a year. :)

Thanks once again.
No thank you Drayner! I have read these forums for a longgg time before I made my account here. I love what you're doing here! It takes a lot of time and dedication!
as we webmaster myself ( i sincerely applaud what you've done with this project. a lot of people don't realize how much work, time, dedication, and drive it takes to build something up from nothing. and while a great community makes it so much easier to keep going, it is you and your admin team who make it possible.

so the thanks are to you, friend.
Although i'm new to the communitie, this site has already become a "mutiple checks a day" site for me for more information and discussions about twinks and the world around them. So like these other poster, i thank you, Drayner, for making this great site and keeping it live and active :)

*Purge* Healcake
Yes Drayner, you are doing a great job. Constant updates, and a positive voice for the community, it is an honor and a privilege to be apart of this site.
Naturaltalnt said:
Heh you guys are to much ;).

Our Admin rocks, our Mods rock, our Community rocks!! Lets go Twinkinfo!!! (When did we get our own pep squad??)

hah, nobody said the Moderators rock! get back to work...
Yeah, I have to say thanks to you Drayner. I have been coming around here for awhile now and just recently signed up. This is a great community for twinking, and like I said, Thanks again!

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